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EMARC Relay -- Volume 25, Number 12 December, 1995

The EMARC Relay

The EMARC Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Electronics Museum Amateur Radio Club. Club meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of each month except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec. Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome! Directions on the back page. Talk-in on the W6APZ (145.23-, 100Hz) or W6ASH repeater (145.27- or 224.36-).

Contributions to the newsletter from members, family, and guests are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or compression. ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but all readable forms welcome. Here are the various ways to reach the editor:

Packet: AA6TA on the DX Cluster
VHF voice: W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL)
Mail: POB 1450, Los Altos, CA 94023
'phone: 415-948-4516 (8AM-6PM)
Fax: 415-948-9153
Eyeball: at EMARC meetings.

Silent Key...

Jim Lomasney, WA6NIL on 16 November, 1995


Our next regular meeting takes place on Friday, 15 December. (This is the 3rd Friday, to avoid conflict with Christmas). The meeting starts with general socializing at 7 PM; business meeting at 7:30 PM; program starts 8 PM. Visitors are always welcome. Directions on back page.

The topic for this meeting is Working the Amateur Satellites. The speaker is Omri Serlin, AA6TA. The talk is introductory in nature and will focus on what can be done with off-the-shelf equipment and simple antennas.

Omri has been an Extra class ham since the day he went on the air six years ago; he has also been an EMARC member for the same period. He is active on HF, with 195 countries confirmed on SSB, 36 on RTTY and 15 on CW. He has been active on the hamsats since late 1993 and has worked all of the current analog Oscars. The club station's sat setup borrows Omri's 2m and 70cm all-mode transceivers.

As usual, the meeting will be followed by the raffle for prizes and the Wish You Were Here drawing for all the cash in the jar! And, to spice it all up, Ginny's famous home-made cookies will (we hope) be there (Tnx, Ginny!)

Our next-next meeting!

It's not too early to make plans for our annual Winter Banquet, which takes place Saturday, 13 January at the usual place, the Blue Pheasant Restaurant, 22100 Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino; 'phone 408-255-3300. No-host bar at 6 PM, dinner served at 7 PM. Our guest speaker: Stanford Professor Antony Fraser-Smith, on earthquake prediction by monitoring low frequency electromagnetic radiation. Fill out the Banquet Reservation Form (see elsewhere in this issue) and mail to Shel Edelman. While you are at it, please send in your 1996 EMARC dues as well.


It's official! Elected by acclamation at the November meeting were the following (they take office on 1 January 1996):


	President:		Mikel, KN6QI
	Vice President:		Andy, AC6GN
	Treasurer:		Shel, KM6GV
	Secretary:		STILL OPEN!
	Radio Officer:		Paul, AA6PZ
	Training Officer:	Steve, KE6YQP
	RELAY Editor:		David, KD6WRG

Board Members

	Dick, N6ATD
	Bjorn, KN6IW
	Robert, KE6TFU
	Hans, KE6TGA

1995: The Year in Review

This has been an eventful year for EMARC! In December, our membership roster reached at least a six-year high of 103! In November we elected a new slate of officers and directors.

In October Peter, KN6MO and a crew of EMARC and non-EMARC volunteers ran a successful two-day No-Code Tech class with 12 students passing the test on the spot; we also participated in the CQ WW SSB contest and bagged 37 countries not yet confirmed to our club station.

In September, the new HF rig was installed at the club station; our Web home page, designed and built by Mikel, KN6QI, went on-line on Owen KB6MER's site; we also had a successful Home Brew Contest.

In August, our club station started ham satellite activities, using all-mode rigs borrowed from Omri, AA6TA; and, packet capability was installed using a 286 computer donated by Shel, KM6GV, and a PK-80 TNC, donated by the Palo Alto Red Cross.

In June we had a very enjoyable Field Day operation, despite the oppressive heat; we also conducted a very successful Foothill Flea Market.

In May we graduated 11 new hams after a 6-week course conducted by Peter, KN6MO, and assistants; also, a group of EMARC members enjoyed a memorable visit (organized by Andy, AC6GN) to the Moffett Field Historical Museum.

In April, thanks to efforts by Strick, KE6RFB and Owen, KB6MER, the EMARC automatic e-mail distribution list went on-line.

In March, the EMARC weekly net was launched (by Omri, AA6TA) on the W6APZ repeater; we also participated in the ARRL DX 'phone contest; Ann KC6PUM & Dennis KC6PUM Paull hosted a reception for Doug, VK3DJY & XYL, visitors from Bendigo, Australia.

In January we had our traditional Winter Banquet with 55 people attending.

Sadly, this was also the year when we lost four valued members, who became Silent Keys: in March, Isabel Wilkes, KD6WRF and Wes Schrick, AA6WH; in May, Irv Coutts, N6SCH; and in November, Jim Lomasney, WA6NIL. They will all be missed.

Welcome New Members!
...and news of other members

Please welcome our newest members:

Edie Barrett, KE6LNR received her Tech ticket in April, 1994. She aims to get the code down pat and go for her General one of these days. She found out about our Club through the Town Crier notice. In "civilian life", Edie is retired from Pac Bell where she was a marketing manager. She is a professional registered parliamentarian and does consulting in that field. She enjoys gardening at her Sunnyvale home; her two wonderful dogs, Happy and Parachute; five grandchildren and three adult children.

(The above item ran incorrectly in the November issue; our sincere apologies to Edie. -Ed.)

Doug Albrecht, KO6FJ says: "I bought my first short-wave radio at age 12, in 1970 for $100. It was a Hammerlund HQ 129x. I sold that big cumbersome thing when I moved into a graduate school dormitory in Berkeley at age 17. It wasn't until 1988, after being a short-wave listener and scanner enthusiast for the past five years that I became determined to be a ham.

It was in 1988 that I met Andy N6JTX and his wife Janis KB6FNS. Andy taught me code on the week-ends. I spent a lot of time on the road listening to Morse code tapes and spent a lot of nights in motels studying my novice theory. But it all paid off when I received my license in August 1989. I had enough time to learn about the 2 meter/220 MHz repeater sets in the Bay area and a few months later we had the 1989 earthquake. I served as a radio operator for the first time for a Mountain View Red Cross shelter. After that experience I knew what fascinated me most about amateur radio, emergency communication.

I moved to Oakland in 1990 and in the 1991 Oakland Hills Firestorm served several shifts as a ham radio operator for the Red Cross. While living in Oakland I performed the first tests on the amateur radio communication equipment that the city of Piedmont had purchased, ran the Piedmont ARES net, and demonstrated amateur radio at many Piedmont community service events. I moved back to Mountain View last May to study Data Communications to start a career in computer inter networking."

Roger L. Foust, KE6ZOT was so eager to participate that he took the time to attend a Board meeting even before he became a member! (Surely future officer material?) He is currently a no-code Tech, having graduated from Peter's recent 2-day crash course. He has his sights on a General class license soon. He and wife Jaclyn (no call yet) live in San Jose.

This news isn't regarding a new member, but is about a non-member who has made a very valuable contribution to the club. Jack Priedkeit, W6ZGN has graciously donated to EMARC a Hy-Gain 5-band vertical HF antenna; and a nearly-complete packet station, consisting of a PK-88 TNC and a Heathkit 2 meter synthesized radio, including power supplies for both. All are in excellent condition and are accompanied by complete documentation. Jack also contributed a book on packet radio, which was raffled off to some lucky winner at our last club meting. A hearty "Tnx" from all of us at EMARC to Jack!

Secretary's Report

Minutes, EMARC Board Meeting
Omri's Office, Wednesday, Nov 29, 1995

Present: Bob, KD6VIO; Bjorn, KN6IW*; Shel, KM6GV*; Dick, N6ATD*; Peter, KN6MO; Omri, AA6TA; Mikel, KN6QI*; Larry, KM6IU; George, K6OG; Andy, AC6GN**.

*Also 1996 elect; **VP-elect, 1996

Jim Lomasney, WA6NIL, SK: The Board expressed deep regrets on the passing of long time EMARC member Jim Lomasney, WA6NIL. He succumbed to cancer at age 77.

Gift from W6ZGN. The Board approved a one-year free subscription to the RELAY for Jack Priedkeit, W6ZGN, in recognition of his generation donation of ham equipment to the club (see elsewhere in this issue for details).

Banquet: Shel reported the menu has been selected and the fee set at $25/person (same as last year). Omri volunteered to make name tags and man the greeting table. Dick (HRO), Bob (Alltronics), Bjorn, and Mikel volunteered to solicited prizes from local electronic retailers.

Station open house: Bob suggested that we go on with the station open house as a regular event on Wednesdays, 7-9 PM. Bob and Omri volunteered as hosts.

VHF Contest. Omri reported that EMARC has been challenged by PAARA to compete in the ARRL VHF Sweepstakes on 20-22 January. Rules (in the December QST) will be distributed at the next Club meeting.

Pizza party. A "passing of the baton" pizza party for 1995 and 1996 officers and board members will take place on Wednesday, 17 January, at the FJ&L pizza place on El Camino & Castro (for more accurate location contact Peter, KN6MO).

Respectfully submitted,
Omri, AA6TA

Minutes, EMARC General Meeting
Covington School, 17 November, 1995

Present: Bob, KD6VIO; Bjorn, KN6IW; Shel, KM6GV; Dick, N6ATD; Omri, AA6TA; Dave, KD6WRG; Larry, KM6IU; Mikel, KN6QI.

SK: Bob announced that Jim Lomasney, WA6NIL, a long-time member of EMARC, became a Silent Key on 16 November. Our heartfelt sympathies to his family. He will be sorely missed.

Elections: Officers and directors for 1996 were elected by acclamation. See list elsewhere in this issue. We are still looking for a volunteer for the Secretary post.

Program: Tom Schiller, N6BT, gave a very informative and entertaining talk on HF antennas in general, and the unique design of Force 12 antennas in particular. Tom does not believe in traps, so some of his yagi elements "double back" on themselves to achieve full-length in a compact design; while others are a clever arrangement of several complete monobanders on one boom and with one feed point. Tom has been experimenting with antenna design for a good many years, and his knowledge showed! A great talk.

JOTA: Paul, AA6PZ, presented commemorative color patches to those who helped with the recent Scouts' Jamboree-On-The-Air event at the club station.


The drawing for $10 was won this month by none other than our 'steamed Prez, QRP Bob, KD6VIO; Bob generously decided to donate the amount back into the jar, so our next WYWH pot is $15.

Respectfully submitted,
Omri, AA6TA

Carrier Detect
...Miscellaneous noteworthy items

First Pactor QSO. The first-ever Pactor QSO from our club station took place 15 November during the Wednesday Open House. Our contact was in Everett, Washington. The QSO took place on 80 meters. Pactor, one of the HF digital modes, is a new mode (about 5 years old) which combines some of the best features of HF packet with Amtor (hence the name). Omri, AA6TA was at the controls at our end.

Eartalk info. A number of hams in our area are successfully using the CT-221 Eartalk, which combines a microphone with an earpiece; this is less obtrusive than a boom mike. But beware - the unit assumes a 1 K mike impedance, so it will work poorly if at all with HTs that have a higher impedance, such as the 2 K Icom micro-miniature units (2SAT and 24AT line). For more info see the ad on p. 159 of the September QST.

Down under heard from. We recently received the Nov. '95 issue of Marcspace, the quarterly newsletter of the Midland ARC of Victoria, Australia, where the city of Bendigo is located. Bendigo is a sister city of Los Altos; Arv, WA6UUT and other EMARC members have been keeping a weekly sked with Doug, VK3DJY, a member of the Midland ARC who lives near Bendigo. (Saturdays at 16:30 PST, starting on 21.300 MHz; contact Arv for details). Tony, the Marcspace editor, extended an invitation to EMARC members visiting VK3 land to meet with members of the Midland ARC. The Marcspace issue will be available to pass around at our December meeting.

VHF Sweepstakes. EMARC has been challenged by Bill, AA6PA, on behalf of PAARA, to compete in the 20-22 January ARRL VHF Sweepstakes. FM, CW and SSB contacts on all amateur bands from 50 MHz to 5.76 GHz. Rules are explained in the December QST, p. 107. Our satellite set-up at the club station will do (on 2m and 70cm), although a mountaintop location would be better. In addition the club station, EMARC members may operate from their home and still be counted. Anyone interested in spearheading this effort and/or participating, please let Omri know.

The Soapbox

It was with great satisfaction that I read your response (Editor's Soapbox, Nov. RELAY, p. 9) to the letter that was read at [the last] club meeting.

I agree with your stated position 100%. Calling the way some hams choose to pursue their hobby as "appliance operation" implies that it is not "real operation" and is a put down. It seeks to create divisiveness and goes against what I consider the good of amateur radio; that of bringing people together.

This put down also misses the point of new areas of amateur radio operation. Areas of operation unthought of even just a few years ago. It's a living hobby and that's part of it's attraction.

I know nostalgia has always had a strong theme running through our hobby. The hollow-state folks are a fine example. And I know the letter read at the meeting is just the nostalgia camp having their say. To that I say; "OK!" But it was good to hear the opposing view get an airing, too.

To that I say "thank you" to you.

73 de Roger M. "QR" Pease, KE6PPI

Editor's note: Tnx vy much to Roger for his response to my editorial in the November RELAY. Perhaps more coverage of controversial issues would have elicited more newsletter contributions? I have had some fun putting this publication together over the past 20 months; tnx to all who helped and to those who offered kind words of encouragement. I certainly hope all members will help Dave, KD6WRG, our next RELAY editor (Dave is still looking for a volunteer to fold, staple, stamp and mail the newsletter; costs reimbursed by the club, of course).

I'd like to take this opportunity to also thank the volunteers for EMARC Net Control (Mikel, KN6QI; Robert, KE6TFU; Bill, KE6TGB; and Doug, KO6FJ) and to all members who check in regularly. It would be nice to see more club officers and more veteran club members checking into this weekly net, which is held every Thursday at 8 PM on the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-; the 100 Hz PL is off for the net.
73 de Omri, AA6TA

ARRL Pacific Division Update

This is a somewhat-edited version of the most recent report from Brad Wyatt, K6WR, PacDiv Director, 18400 Overlook Rd. #5, Los Gatos, CA 95030-5850; 408-395-2501; packet: K6WR@N0ARY.#NOCAL.CA Internet:

No Change For CW Requirements For HF Licenses:- In late October, FCC announced the dismissal of three more petitions for changes in the CW speed requirement for HF licenses in the U. S. See page 15 December QST.

On the international front, at the World Radio Conference - 95 in Geneva, Switzerland, it was decided at the Working Group level, that New Zealand's proposal to delete the Morse requirement for amateur operation below 30 MHz on a world wide basis will not be taken up at WRC-95. The matter of placing it on the agenda of a future conference, probably not before 1999, will be taken up in another Working Group, the Working Group of the Plenary, later in the conference. Nothing is final until adopted in the final review of documents in the Plenary, usually late in the conference. This conference is scheduled to end November 17.

Vanity "Preferred" Call Signs - Still No Start Date:- It appears as though the program for the actual application for individual call signs, other than the sequentially issued club call sign part of the program, will continue to be delayed, perhaps until 1996.

Telecommunications Reform and a Proposal to Eliminate the FCC:- Telecommunications reform is one of the key topics in Washington DC currently as Congress returned from its August recess. Both the House and Senate have passed differing Telecommunication Reform Acts. Apparently these bills focus on broadcast TV, cable TV, telephone service and related matters. It appears that these bills do not affect the Amateur Radio Service directly, but there may yet be surprises. A conference committee from both houses is trying to reconcile the differences between S. 652 and H. R. 1555. The conference committees have been named. In the Pacific Division, Anna Eshoo (D) CA 14th is a member of the House conference committee. Little progress has apparently been made pending the resolution of the overall budget battle which continues as this is being written on Nov. 11. There are also various other proposals floating around Washington DC including proposals to eliminate the Department of Commerce and the FCC, as examples. This latter idea comes from the "Progress and Freedom Foundation," a "Think Tank" group consisting of folks with various political views. The proposal, essentially, is to eliminate the FCC and allocate the entire RF spectrum on a "property rights" basis.

The mood in Congress seems to be to enact some sort of telecommunications reform, but just what is unclear so far. The ARRL Washington Team continues to monitor these developments and be active on our behalf. See September QST page 50, October QST page 53, and December QST page 52 for more details.

FCC News:- In late Oct., the FCC adopted the proposed changes announced on Aug. 17, by FCC Chairman Reed Hundt to save money, including personnel reductions and facility closings. In the Pacific Division, the Honolulu HI field office and the Livermore CA monitoring station would be closed by the summer of 1996. The Honolulu field office is now part of the FCC's San Francisco Region as the Seattle Regional office is now closed with the retirement of the Regional Director.

One facility, in Laurel MD, would be the central site for "electronic monitoring." The FCC will add a new centralized FCC Call Center, where for the first time members of the public anywhere in the United States will be able to call one toll-free number to reach the FCC for information or assistance. See December QST page 84 for more details.

In another announcement, the FCC is considering privatizing the resolution of radio frequency interference to consumer electronics devices. Under the plan, private repair shops would be used to fix problems in the field. FCC spelled out the Commission's concept at a meeting in Tampa, saying "Since it is not feasible for the Commission to attempt to resolve these complaints" (the most of which come from Citizens Band operation), "it is our policy not to investigate interference to home electronic equipment. Likewise, we do not offer any protection from interference."

Over the past several years, the FCC has been unofficially out of the "retail" RFI business, and parties who contact the FCC about an interference problem are asked to work together toward a solution. Depending on what the local repair shop found, either the shop would fix the equipment or, in the case of a violation of FCC rules, the service shop would refer the case back to the FCC for possible FCC action. The question of who would pay was not addressed. See October QST page 80 for additional details.

The FCC Compliance and Information Bureau has recently released a new 24 page color publication titled, "Interference to Home Electronic Entertainment Equipment Handbook." This document states, "cost-cutting manufacturing techniques, such as insufficient shielding or inadequate filtering, may also cause your equipment to react to a nearby radio transmitter. This is not the fault of the transmitter and little can be done to the transmitter to correct the problem." The publication called Bulletin CIB-2, May 1995, apparently may be obtained directly from the FCC CIB Field offices, although reports of actual availability vary.

One known source is the U.S. Government Printing Office, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250. The price is $2.50 postpaid. See October QST page 15 for additional details.

New Pacific Division Appointments:- Michael E. Petersen, WB6ZKF, of Placerville CA, has been appointed as a Volunteer Counsel in the El Dorado Co. area of California. Rusty Epps, W6OAT, after meritorious service as Assistant Director for Legal Affairs, has taken on a new responsibility as Assistant Director for Special Projects. His first effort will be to represent the Pacific Division in the development of the World Radio Team Championship - 1996 to be held in the San Francisco Bay Area in June 1996. Succeeding Rusty as Assistant Director for Legal Affairs will be Phil Kane, N6SP, who is currently serving as a Volunteer Counsel in the San Francisco and Redwood City areas. Phil will also continue the development of the antenna and tower ordinance data gathering project for the Pacific Division. Please forward copies of all antenna, tower and related ordinances to Phil Kane, N6SP, POB 280192, San Francisco CA 94128-0192, (415) 369-7373; e-mail:

Please read the article by Chris Imlay, N3AKD. ARRL General Counsel, "But I Never Agreed to That" starting on page 47 of Dec. 95 QST.

Scholarships and Awards:- There are many awards and scholarships covering a wide range of situations available to licensed Amateurs. See the September 1995 edition of the ARRL Section Leader or contact the Field Services Dept. at ARRL HQ for details.


Cupertino: Walk-ins on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, 9-11 AM. At Tandem, 19333 Valco Parkway, near Wolfe Rd. exit off I-280. Info: 408-984-8353 (recording).

Fremont: Walk-ins on the 1st Tuesday of each month, 7 PM. No-Code Tech and Tech-Plus exams only. Alameda County Water District, 43885 Grimmer Blvd., near I-880. Info: 510-791-6818; or Greg, KJ6EP@ N6QMY. Talk-in: 147.015+

Redwood City: Walk-ins on the 3rd Saturday of each month, 11 AM. 411 Broadway (Ampex Cafeteria), near Woodside exit off 101. Info: 408-255-9000 (recording); or Joe KB6OWG@ KA6JLT. Talk-in: W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL).

Sunnyvale: Walk-ins on the 2nd Saturday and last Sunday of each month, 10:30 AM. 840 W. Washington St. Talk-in: W6ASH, 145.27-. Info: 408-255-9000 (recording), or Gene AA6IY@N6LDL, or Gordon W6NLG@ KA6JLT. Talk-in: W6ASH, 145.27-

ARRL License Class Hotline: 408-971-1424

FCC Inquiry Line: 717-337-1212

FCC Customer Assistance: 800-322-1117

FCC Forms Distribution: 800-418-3676

EMARC - The Best!

Welcome New Members!
Contribute to the RELAY!
Talk it Up!

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FOR SALE: Yaesu 440 MHz handheld model FT41R, "World's smallest", 150 memories, 10 DTMF autodial memories; new condition - never used. $260.

Icom 737 HF xcvr, 100W, 160-10m, all-mode, gen.l coverage rcvr, auto. ant. tuner, keyer, 101 memories, memo pad, scanning, etc. With Astron 20 amp power supply. Recent purchase, new condition, boxes. $950.

Contact George K6OG, 415-941-0299.

FOR SALE: Uniden HR2600 10 meters all-mode mobile transceiver. $125. Ginny Coutts, KC6USW, 415-366-1052.

FREE! I have an excess of my nifty, one-page 1996 wall calendars; you can have one (or more) for the asking. I will have a supply with me at the December meeting.

-Omri AA6TA


Regularly-scheduled events:

EMARC Monthly Meeting: Fourth Friday of the month (except 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec.) at 7 PM; Business Meeting, 7:30 PM; Program starts 8 PM. At the Covington School in Los Altos; directions on last page. See specific date listings below. EMARC events are also listed on packet (to EMARC@allscv); on the N0ARY event bulletin board (type EVENT or List Clubs); and on the automatic enunciator on the W6APZ repeater (145.23-). (Note: there are 5 Fridays in March & Sept., so the fourth Friday is not the same as last Friday!).

EMARC Weekly Net. Thursdays at 8 PM on the W6APZ repeater, 145.23- (100Hz PL is off for the net).

EMARC Board Meeting: Schedule for 1996 to be determined.

Foothill Flea Market: 2nd Saturday (starts pre-dawn), March thru September. Bring 4 quarters for the parking meters. At Foothill College, just west of I-280 at the El Monte/Moody Rd. exit in Los Altos. Talk-in: 145.27-

Livermore Flea Market: 1st Sunday (starts 7 AM) year round, rain or shine. At Las Positas College, Airway Blvd. exit off I-580 just west of Livermore. Talk-in 147.120+ or 145.35-(100Hz PL). NOTE: The NorCal QRP Club meets following the flea mart at 11 AM at the California Burger in Pleasanton, abt. 2 miles from the flea mart.

T-hunts: See the February, 1995 RELAY under Carrier Detect (page 6). Difficulty Levels: 1 - very easy; 2 - simple; 3 - average; 4 - hard; 5 - very hard; 6 - "never find it". For latest info and directions, call Rich KN6FW, 510-462-1467, or via packet at KN6FW@WA6YHJ. #NOCAL

10 AM net. Weekdays at 10 AM on W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL). A very informal rag chew net with mostly EMARC members. Net control: Arv, WA6UUT.

Amsat net. Wednesdays at 19:30 on the WA6PWW repeater, 147.015+, as well as the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-, 100 PL. Net control: Bill, AA6PA.

10-10 Net. The local net for 10 meters enthusiasts meets every Monday at 8 PM on 28.475 MHz; net control: Neal, WA6OCP.

Events by date:

(*designates EMARC sponsored events)


9-10	  ARRL 10 Meters Contest.

16	  Santa Clara Fox Hunt.  5 PM.  Talkin: 145.27-. Level 3.

15	* EMARC Monthly Meeting.  7 PM.  Speaker: Omri Serlin, AA6TA
		on Working the Amateur Satellites.
		(3rd Friday due to Christmas).  Directions back page.


13	* EMARC Winter Banquet.  Blue Pheasant Restaurant, 22100
		Stevens Creek Blvd., Cupertino; 'phone 408-255-3300.
		Speaker: Prof. Antony Fraser-Smith on earthquake
		prediction via low frequency monitoring.
		Preempts regular meeting (i.e., there is no
		regular meeting this month).

20-22	* ARRL VHF Sweepstakes.  Contact Omri for details.


24	  Winterfest '96.  7th annual hamfest put on by the Naval
		Postgraduate School ARC.  Monterey Peninsula College
		Student Center.  7 AM - 1PM (12 noon: auction),
		rain or shine.  Inside and outside flea mart.
		Talk-in: 146.97;  Info: 408-883-0491;
		packet: K0MC@K6LY.#CENCA;
		Internet: max.


Copyright © 1995 by EMARC