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![]() Volume 26, Number 6 June, 1996Copyright © 1996 by EMARC![]() JUNE MEETINGThe Relay has to be mailed early this month because of field day so we are not sure about the program for the meeting which will be held on the 28th, the fourth Friday as usual. Andy has a real good one lined up if it works out. All we can say at this point is to listen to the 145.23 repeater and/or tune in to the 10 AM or EMARC Nets. There will probably be some slight mention of what happened on field day.FIELD DAYPlease reread the field day information in the May Relay and the information scattered in this issue. A lot goes into making it happen; we need all the help we can get.Field Day Volunteers still needed! ![]()
NEWSLETTER BY EMAILAttention computer nuts and newsletter editors of other clubs. If you would like to receive the newsletter by email, please send email to and tell me so. The advantage to EMARC members is you get the newsletter before anyone else and you can save and copy items without retyping. The advantage for editors of other newsletters is you don't have to retype the text of articles you want to use. I compose the newsletter in Word 6 for windows and it is simple enough to send it in that format to an email list. Any other format would cause problems such as loss of formatting and graphics, but it could be done.-- DW IN THE HOSPITALBob McKibben, KC6RRW, is in the hospital in critical condition. No visitors are allowed Contact Arv Hamer, WA6UUT, for details.LAST MINUTE ITEMSThe next board meeting has been moved to Thursday night, June 13, 7:30 PM at Andy Fu's office. Ace Technologies 592 Weddell Suite 6, Sunnyvale.TALK IN frequency for EMARC FIELD DAY is the 145.23 - 100 repeater. If you suddenly find yourself available to help out with moving equipment in the week before field day, we will be listening on that repeater. Please note Peter Johnson's ad has a new Web address.
---> We were afraid to ask the significance, but you can.
JAMMERS AGAINSeveral of us from EMARC and a bunch of hams from other clubs did communications for the MS Bike-A-Thon in the Santa Cruz mountains last weekend. There was a new net control this year and somewhere in the changeover we forgot about the jammers who plagued us last year. Fortunately, because of the terrain and the power of our equipment, the jammers could not completely block communications.Maybe we should be prepared next year with a combined Bike-A-Thon and transmitter hunt. It would be unique and could gain some publicity. Did I mention the terrain? Finding a transmitter in that area would be a real challenge and would help a good cause. Anybody care to try it? Someone asked me why we have our field day at the seminary. I told them
it was because the ground was holy and just sucked the electrons in.
EMARC announcement mailing listEMARC announcement mailing list is moderated, so you cannot reply directly to the list. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" to:; For help, send the word "help" to; For human assistance, email to: RelayThe EMARC Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Electronics Museum Amateur Radio Club. Club meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of each month except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec. Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome! Directions on the back page. Talk-in: W6APZ (145.23-, 100Hz) or W6ASH repeater (145.27- or 224.36-).Contributions to the newsletter from members, family, and guests are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or compression. ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but all readable forms welcome. Here are the various ways to reach the editor:
Internet: CompuServe: 71242,3255; AOL: davewilkes VHF voice: KD6WRG on W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL) 10AM net weekdays; EMARC net Thursdays 8 PM; Various other times. Mail: 1093 Kelly Drive, San Jose CA 95129-3222 Voice: 408-996-1613 (Until 9 PM); Fax: 408-725-1036 Eyeball: at EMARC meetings. [Advertisement] Fee-only
TELEPHONE NUMBERS INTERNET ADDRESSES WEB SITESThis column is for interesting and/or useful Internet sites. Henceforth, they will only be printed once. Keep your back issues for reference.LOCAL EXAM SITES AND SCHEDULES06/30/96,S,Sunnyvale,94086,408-255-9000,Sunnyvale VEC 07/02/96,S,Fremont,94537,408-255-9000,Sunnyvale VEC 07/06/96,A,Cupertino,95014,408-243-8349, Emmett Freitas 07/13/96,S,Sunnyvale,94086,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 07/20/96,A,Cupertino,95014,408-243-8349, Emmett Freitas 07/20/96,S,Redwood City,94063,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 07/21/96,S,Berkeley,94704,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 07/28/96,S,Sunnyvale,94086,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 08/03/96,A,Cupertino,95014,408-243-8349, Emmett Freitas 08/06/96,S,Fremont,94537,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 08/10/96,S,Sunnyvale,94086,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 08/17/96,A,Cupertino,95014,408-243-8349, Emmett Freitas 08/17/96,S,Redwood City,94063,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 08/25/96,S,Sunnyvale,94086,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 09/03/96,S,Fremont,94537,408-255-9000, Sunnyvale VEC 09/07/96,A,Cupertino,95014,408-243-8349, Emmett (full list, updated periodically) The Cupertino exam is sponsored by TRAC and is held at Tandem, 19333 Vallco Parkway, Cupertino. The 1st and 3rd Sat of each month from 8 to noon.
[Advertisement] DeLong Consulting
Owen DeLong
3251 Firth Way, San Jose, CA 95121
EMARC Calendar of EventsRegularly-scheduled events:EMARC Monthly Meeting: Fourth Friday of the month (except for possible changes in June, Nov. & Dec.) at 7 PM; Business Meeting, 7:30 PM; Program starts 8 PM. At the Covington School in Los Altos; directions on last page. See specific date listings above . EMARC events are also listed on packet (to EMARC@allscv); on the N0ARY event bulletin board (type EVENT or List Clubs); and on the automatic enunciator on the W6APZ repeater (145.23-). Note: The 4th Friday is not necessarily the last Friday.The Station Open House program for 1996 is expanding! Omri, AA6TA, will host open houses on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 PM local time on an "as available" basis. The emphasis in the Tuesday open houses will be satellite operations and HF digital modes (RTTY, AMTOR, etc.). Please check with Omri (he is available virtually anytime on the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-, 100PL before coming. This is in addition to the Wednesday open houses, typically hosted by Bob, KD6VIO. The station open houses are for EMARC members and their invited guests only. Please do not discuss on the air the exact location of the station. EMARC NET is held every Thursday at 8 PM on the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-; the 100 Hz PL is off for the net. 10 AM net. Weekdays at 10 AM on W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL). A very informal rag chew net with mostly EMARC members. Foothill Flea Market: 2nd Saturday (starts pre-dawn), March thru September. Bring 4 quarters for the parking meters. At Foothill College, just west of I-280 at the El Monte/Moody Rd. exit in Los Altos. Talk-in: 145.27- Project OSCAR meets following each Foothill Flea Market about 11 AM at Harry's Hofbrau in Mt. View, 399 El Camino Real at Bonita St., north of Grant and south of Castro, on the west side of the street. No formal program - just get to know each other and (if you wish) have lunch together PS There is a Project OSCAR / AMSAT net every Wednesday evening at 19:30 local time on the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-, 100 Hz PL. All hams welcome - you do not need to be active on the satellites to participate. Livermore Flea Market: 1st Sunday (starts 7 AM) year round, rain
or shine. At Las Positas College, Airway Blvd. exit off I-580 just west
of Livermore. Talk-in 147.120+ or 145.35-(100Hz PL). Parking is free.
The NorCal QRP Club meets following the Livermore flea market
at 11 AM at the California Burger in Pleasanton, about. 2 miles from the
flea market.
T-hunts: See the February, 1995 RELAY under Carrier Detect (page
6). Difficulty Levels: 1 - very easy; 2 - simple; 3 - average; 4 - hard;
5 - very hard; 6 - "never find it". For latest info and directions, call
Rich KN6FW, 510-462-1467, or via packet at KN6FW@WA6YHJ. #NOCAL
Amsat net. Wednesdays at 19:30 on the WA6PWW repeater, 147.015+,
as well as the W6APZ repeater, 145.230-, 100 PL. Net control: Bill, AA6PA.
10-10 Net. The local net for 10 meters enthusiasts meets every
Monday at 8 PM on 28.475 MHz; net control: Neal, WA6OCP.
June 22-23 Field Day Remember that Field Day is the fourth weekend of June, not the last weekend. Don't show up a week late. August 10 Foothill Flea Market. Sunrise 'til Noon. Sponsor: EMARC. October 19-20 Boy Scouts Jamboree On The Air (JOTA). Contact AA6PZ, Paul for more information. HAVE THEY NO SENSE OF DECENCY?The following is also from Amateur Radio Newsline --CW BOOTLEGGER A Morse Code bootlegger is on the air using the call sign of a deceased ham. KJ7EO reports via packet radio that he has been receiving QSL Cards from station's claiming that they have made CW contacts with Irwin Hubenthal, AB7F. Well KJ7EO happens to be Dale Hubenthal who says that AB7F was his father who passed away three years ago. Dale says that he is sorry to say that the contacts made to AB7F, most on 40 meter cw, were to a bootlegger rather than to his dad who was a truly great ham. George Raven sent me page 1 of 12 of Jim Lomasney's A Field Day plan For the Foothills Club. from December, 1966. Jim did the Field Day statistics and paperwork, keeping order in the midst of chaos. We will have to get a complete copy for historical purposes. ARRL PACIFIC DIVISIONSPECIAL EDITION -- JUNE 6, 1996 by Brad Wyatt, K6WR, Director
STOP THE PRESSES! Last week we had a special edition of the Pacific Division Update containing an advance copy of the July 1996 editorial for QST. That editorial asked all hands to write to five individuals connected with preparations for WRC-97. A gratifying number of you wrote last week (on a national basis, over 1,000 messages were received by FCC). So many wrote, in fact, that the FCC has set up new procedures for receiving "interested parties" comments on the WRC-97 process. A last minute change was therefore made to the editorial, just before the July issue of QST was to go to press. A copy of the revised editorial is given below, in its entirety. The most significant change is related to those new FCC procedures. The FCC has asked that all WRC-97 comments from "interested parties" be directed to a single, central location. E-mail should be sent to Written comments with an original plus one copy, should be sent to: Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554. Each comment, both written and via e-mail, should include at the top, "Reference No. ISP-96-005" and "Advisory Committee Informal Working Group 2A." The revised editorial follows: Editorial -- July 1996 QST ---It Seems To Us --- Write Now! Get out a pen and paper, or boot up your computer. There's work to be done! Your help is needed to defend two meters and 70 cm. Yes, that's right--the two most popular and most crowded amateur VHF/UHF bands! But don't panic, and don't "go ballistic." Here's what's happening, and what you can do about it. The United States is preparing for the 1997 ITU World Radiocommunication Conference, WRC-97. In the past, the public has been able to participate in the preparations for such conferences by responding to FCC Notices of Inquiry. In March, the FCC announced a streamlining of its International Bureau's preparatory processes for WRCs. Under the new scheme, the NOIs have been eliminated in favor of increased emphasis on WRC Advisory Committees. For WRC-97, a series of Informal Working Groups (IWGs) of the Advisory Committee has been created to address specific agenda items. The output of each IWG will go directly to a joint FCC-NTIA-Department of State Steering Committee of the Advisory Committee. There, draft proposals as received from the IWGs will be reviewed and forwarded to the FCC for possible release as preliminary US proposals for public comment. In announcing the streamlined WRC preparatory process, the FCC tried to reassure those who might be concerned about reduced opportunities for public participation: "Interested parties should note that input to the Advisory Committee may be sent at any time...." A pre-press version of this editorial, circulated far and wide by e-mail and packet radio, caused so much input to be generated--more than 1,000 comments in less than a week--that the FCC had to modify its procedures to cope with the deluge! Hold that thought while we shift gears to the substance of the issue. One of the WRC-97 agenda items includes consideration of possible additional frequency allocations for the mobile- satellite service. So-called "little LEOs," low-earth orbit satellites below 1 GHz, already have allocations. Their proponents claim these are inadequate and are trying for more. The needs of little LEOs are being addressed in IWG- 2A, chaired by Warren Richards of the Department of State. The ARRL technical relations staff participates in IWG-2A to represent Amateur Radio interests. At the May 7 IWG-2A meeting, an industry representative presented a list of "candidate bands" for little LEOs. The list included a number of bands that would negatively impact existing services, and does not include others that would appear to be technically more feasible but to which strong objection from incumbents could be expected --- the point being that some political, rather than purely technical, judgment already has influenced the list. We have asked for, but to date have been given no explanation of why some bands were included and not others. Incredibly, 144-148 and 420-450 MHz were included on the list! This is the first time in memory that another service has been proposed for the two-meter amateur band. We must make sure it is also the last time. We do not need to explain to ARRL members the extensive use that is made of these bands by amateurs. The two bands provide the backbone of our local public service communications effort. Voice and data, mobile and fixed, even television--the list of present amateur uses is a long one, and of future uses is even longer. Both are already used for satellite services and for moonbounce and extended- range terrestrial operations requiring extremely sensitive receivers and high levels of effective radiated power. Apparently we did need to explain all this to the little LEO industry representatives, so we did just that--both at the meeting and in a follow-up letter on May 15. We also explained that we had to regard the matter as extremely serious. No one with the slightest background in radiocommunication could possibly believe that a mobile- satellite service could be introduced into either band without disrupting existing and future amateur operations. Therefore, we said, if we did not receive assurance that they would be taken off the list of candidate bands by the deadline for this issue of QST, we would have no choice but to bring the matter to the attention of the entire membership. The response we received was unsatisfactory. In effect, we were told the little LEO industry would consider our views but that until their spectrum needs are satisfied, all bands must remain under consideration. So, this is a call to action. We must get across to the industry and government participants in IWG-2A that the 144- 148 MHz and 420-450 MHz bands cannot be considered as candidates for mobile-satellite services. We need to drive the point home so forcefully, with so many grassroots responses, that no one is ever tempted to try this again. Which brings us back to that invitation for "interested parties" to send input "at any time." There's no time like the present! According to the Commission's new procedures, comments by e-mail should be sent to: Written comments, with an original plus one copy, should be sent to: Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554. Each comment should include at the top, "Reference No. ISP-96-005" and "Advisory Committee Informal Working Group 2A." FCC staff assures us that comments will be given prompt consideration, and asks that parties refrain from filing comments in accordance with previous instructions. Do comment. But be civil. Don't abuse people who are simply doing their jobs. We have to get across that casting covetous eyes on amateur bands is counterproductive, and contrary to the public interest. To accomplish this we need a lot of comments, including yours. But remember that the objective is to educate and persuade, not to intimidate. We don't need to. The facts are on our side. For the latest news on this particular issue, check the ARRL Home page at and click on "Band Threat News." Then write. Right now! -- David Sumner, K1ZZ [I'm very happy I wasn't the only one who, upon reading the above, immediately thought the request for the VHF and UHF bands might be a smoke screen for an attempt to grab ham bands at 900 MHz and above one gigahertz. -- DW] AMATEUR RADIO NEWSLINEARRL INDICATES UNIVERSAL NO-CODE MAY BE COMING Is the American Radio Relay League starting to prepare the United States ham radio community for codefree access to the high frequency bands? That is the impression left with many hams who heard league President Rod Stafford, KB6ZV speak at an ARRL Forum at the recent Dayton Hamvention. After explaining the way in which the World Radiocommunications Conference and the ARRL has undertaken to study the matter, President Rod Stafford, set the tone of the session when he answered a question with a question: "A lot of people have taken the position that, you know, if we didn't have radio, amateur radio up to May the 19th, 1996. If you were inventing amateur radio today, that you were starting off from scratch. You had to write all the rules and regulations, would you decide to have CW as a requirement for HF operations?" KB6ZUWhen asked his personal opinion on whether or not the code should remain, President Stafford may have surprised many in the audience: "My personal view is that, if I were starting over with amateur radio today, I probably would probably think it not appropriate to have CW to be as a requirement to get on the HF bands." KB6ZU President Stafford did place one caveat on this position. While he favors codefree access to the High Frequency bands, he also feels that overall testing has to get tougher to insure that the quality of operations will be maintained: "I certainly think that it's appropriate that we make the testing system a little more relevant to what is happening. A little more relevant in regards to the technical requirements, a little more relevant with regard to operating knowledge and so forth. You can only learn so much by studying for your test. A lot of it is operational once you get your license. It seems to me we could do a little bit better job, even in the initial testing process, the initial learning process to get people ready to operate Amateur Radio." KB6ZU Rod Stafford emphasizes that the League is only now beginning its inquiry as to what the ham radio public wants to do regarding the future of the Morse code as an examination requirement for high frequency ham radio operation. He says that the committee he has appointed to study the issues has a lot of work to do in the coming months and years before any official ARRL decisions are made, and input from the ham radio community will be solicited. Those interested in hearing President Staffords' complete comments on the no-code issue are invited to call the Rain Dial Up service at (847) 827-Rain. It will be there through June the 6th. TEEN HAM ARRESTED ON SCANNER CHARGES Christian County Kentucky police have arrested a teenage ham on charges of possessing a piece of ham radio equipment that they say is capable of intercepting police communications. This, even though the radio in question cannot be modified for out of band operation and a state has a law that excludes ham radio operators from the scanner radio ban. This bizarre story started on May 11th when Greg Godsey, KF4BDY, a 16 year old ham from Hopkinsville, Kentucky, was arrested by a local police who charged that the teen was in possession of a scanner that could receive police radio frequencies. But the radio in question is not a scanner. Rather it is a Radio Shack HTX 202 2 meter handheld. A radio that Tandy Corporation says cannot be modified for out of band operation! Complicating this case even further is the arrogance of the local law enforcement and officers of the court handling the case. Reports say that the arresting officers did not bother to check either the radio or a Kentucky law that exempts equipment possessed by a licensed Amateur Radio operator even if it is capable of receiving police frequencies. One officer simply keyed his radio. When he heard noise from Godsey's ham set he arrested the teen age ham and confiscated the HTX 202. At a court appearance on May 14th, the judge assigned to the case refused to listen to an attorney for Godsey who wanted to point out the exemption for ham radio operators. An exemption that holds federally licensed radio amateurs can own and operate scanner radios. In what local hams are calling a power play by a Kentucky court system that opposes the ham radio exemption, the judge bound KF4BDY over for a trial. Greg Godsey, KF4BDY has been a ham for less than a year and is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Christian County, Kentucky. He denies that his HTX 202 has been modified to operate out of band. Experts from Tandy are expected to be in Kentucky to testify on his behalf at the trial. As the ham radio community knows, to this day no other ham has successfully modified a HTX 202 for out of band operation without the attempt causing serious or irreparable harm to the radio set. FCC: NO MORE FREEBAND TRANSCEIVERS Ironically, at about the same time the Largo CBer was being taken into custody, the FCC was issuing a terse reminder to manufacturers and importers of pseudo High Frequency Amateur transceivers. Radios ostensibly marketed for Amateur use, but are in reality intended specifically for the so called Freeband radio operators. These are the renegade CB'ers who routinely operate in the 26 to 28 MHZ frequency range and occasionally wander into the 10 meter ham band. In its May 13 Public Notice, the FCC says that it is a violation of its regulations to import or market a transmitter designed or intended to operate outside the amateur bands. That equipment for non-ham use must be issued a grant of equipment authorization for the radio services it's capable of operating. The notice also emphasizes that transmitters intended for use by FCC authorized radio services except the Amateur Radio Service must be type-accepted before they can be placed on sale. The FCC has long held that it is illegal to import, market or operate a transmitter that requires a grant of equipment authorization but for which no grant has been issued. They say that it is a violation to transmit on frequencies allocated to a licensed radio service without the appropriate Commission issued station license. Violators, say the FCC, will be subject to fines or imprisonment as well as seizure and forfeiture of any equipment in their possession. Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, editor. Newsline is copyright 1996 All rights reserved. [Newsline does not allow their articles to be edited when reprinted. I am not responsible for the spelling or grammar. -- DW] JAPANESE AMATEURSDid you know? Japan has more than four times the number of licensed hams (2.6 million) than the U.S., according to Dr. Keitaro "Kei" Sekine, JA1BLV, who spoke at the May PAARA meeting. Most (about 2.5 million) are "no code" Class 4. Class 1, 2 and 3 require, respectively, proficiency in copying 60, 45 and 25 Kanji (Chinese) characters per second in CW. There are about half as many Station licenses, which are separate from operators' licenses. No private repeaters are allowed; they are all nominally licensed to the JRRL. Congestion on 2m (144-146 MHz only), 70 cm, and even 1.2 GHz is driving the interest in the 2.4 GHz band and above. Kei described the propagation mechanisms at 1.2 and 2.4 GHz and above that allow communications at these high-loss frequencies beyond line-of-sight conditions. In particular, he mentioned diffraction due to sharp mountain peaks; tropospheric diffraction due to variable atmospheric conditions; and long- distance ducting, where atmospheric conditions create the effects of wave guides in the sky. (Such ducting is responsible for the new Hawaii-to-mainland 70 cm ATV records established in the last couple of summers).Kei's practical advice to UHF experimenters: due to sharp QSB, small
(30 cm or less) changes in antenna height and/or horizontal location can
be crucial, so make those variable. For example, mount a vertical antenna
offset from a mast on a rotator, so the horizontal position changes as
the rotator operates. A very interesting talk, and well worth the effort.
LAST MINUTE COMMENTS FROM THE RADIO OFFICER, AA6PZIf you want to have fun with radio equipment, visit with your friends in EMARC, or just enjoy a picnic, then make sure you come to Field Day June 22 and 23. This is a lot of fun, but is also good preparation for emergency operations. Some people have already started by identifying equipment and planning how all will be set up. The tower trailer will be brought from the Red Cross the preceding Monday. Over the next several days, we will need help in loading equipment. Setup of the major antennas will be on Friday afternoon. This is a chance to try out adult sized Erector sets! Operations begins at 11 AM Saturday and runs thru the night until 11 AM Sunday. Almost every kind of Amateur Radio will be used: CW, SSB, packet, FM. Every band from 3.5 MHz to 450 MHz and maybe some others will be used. You can bring your tent, RV or whatever. As of this writing, there are a couple key wants:
2. A captain for HF SSB. AA6PZ is willing to do it [again], however it is time for other people to learn how. 3. Help with the tear down Sunday afternoon. We have enough bodies,
but most of them will be getting tired. Besides, taking towers down is
often more exciting than putting them up!
Paul, AA6PZ FIELD DAY![]() Talk in on the 145.23 repeater DIRECTIONS From the East Bay: Take 680 or 880 South to North on 280. Exit at Foothill Expressway and turn left at the end of the ramp. Pass the 280 ramps and look for Cristo Rey Dr. on the right. From the South: Take 85, 87 or 17/880 North to 280 North. Exit at Foothill Expressway and turn left at the end of the ramp. Pass the 280 ramps and look for Cristo Rey Dr. on the right. From the North: Take 101 South to South on 85, then North on 280. Exit at Foothill Expressway and turn left at the end of the ramp. Pass the 280 ramps and look for Cristo Rey Dr. on the right. Take 280 South to Foothill Expressway Exit and turn Right at the end of the ramp. Look for Cristo Rey Drive on the right. Take Foothill Expressway South past 280 and look for Cristo Rey Dr. on the right.
ELECTRONICS MUSEUM AMATEUR RADIO CLUB (EMARC)Los Altos, May 23, 1996. Radio amateurs ("hams") across the nation will celebrate Field Day on June 22-23, during which they will attempt to contact as many other hams as possible using radio stations operating in field conditions.The annual event is intended to exercise amateur operating skills and gain experience in conditions resembling those that might prevail in the aftermath of a major disaster. Stations must not use commercial power (it will probably be disrupted!), nor use any permanent structures or antennas (they might be damaged). In emergencies, radio amateurs have on many occasions rendered valuable communications services in support of public safety agencies. Radio amateurs also frequently support civic events with volunteer communications services. Our club, EMARC, is one of several in this area (and hundreds nationwide) participating in this year's Field Day activities. We expect to operate four stations, including a satellite communications station. We will operate by voice, Morse code, and digital packet radio. The event runs for 24 hours beginning at 11 AM Saturday, June 22. We will be easily accessible near the intersection of Foothill Expressway and I-280, about where Los Altos borders Cupertino. SENT TO: KNTV-11, KICU-TV, KARA Radio, KSJO Radio, Mercury News, Los Altos Town Crier We still need your help for FIELD DAY Put up, take down, operators, contact loggers, pot-luck suppliers, cooks, whatever, EMARC is looking for Field Day volunteers. If interested in helping out, please contact: First and most important: For the pot-luck items for the Saturday barbecue, contact Anne Paull, who will coordinate who is bringing what or for suggestions on what to bring. Anne will not be trans-porting, storing, or otherwise involved in the pot-luck. Paul Zander, AA6PZ Radio Officer Mikel Lechner, KN6QI EMARC President