Volume 28, Number 5 - MAY 1998
Mikel Lechner, KN6QI, will talk about
digital modes on HF focusing mainly on RTTY. The talk will cover a bit
of the history, development, technology, equipment, and practical aspects
of this mode of communication.
This talk should be of particular interest to those participating in
Field Day. This year the ARRL will count digital HF communications as a
separate mode, which allows stations to garner additional points by using
these modes.
FARS will be operating a RTTY station at Field Day this year and we
will need operators interested and familiar with RTTY operation. So please
attend this talk and volunteer to practice what you learn for our annual
Field Day event.
Mikel, KN6QI
It might be a good idea to bring the model number and instruction manual
for your TNC or digital adapter. DW
Livermore Swap Meet -
1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, 7:00 AM to
noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the west, 145.35 from the east. Contact
Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447-3857 eves.
Foothill Flea Market - 2nd Saturday
of each month from March to October at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills.
This is the picture that Omri, AA6TA uses to scare people away from
his web site. He does kindly mention the club and his interest in Amateur
Radio. Unfortunately, an Alta Vista search did not turn up his web site.
It did turn up a lot of his other activities. Omri is world famous in a
particular aspect of computer technology.
President: Jack Eddy WA6YJR
Treasurer: Shel Edelman, N6RD
Secretary: Martin Liberman, KD6WJW
Training Officer: Paul Zander, AA6PZ
Radio Officer: Mikel Lechner, KN6QI
Newsletter: David Wilkes, KD6WRG
Board members: Dirk Thiele, KE6ZUY; Dick, N6ATD; Hans, KE6TGA; Martin,
K6YA Station Trustee: Stan Kuhl, K6MA
FARS Web Page:
FARS announcement mailing list is moderated, so you cannot reply directly
to the list. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" to:
For help, send the word "help" to majordomo@ham.yak.net; For human assistance,
email to: human@ham.yak.net.
The FARS Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Foothills
Amateur Radio Society Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of
each month except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov.
& Dec. Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome!
Directions on the back page. Talk-in: W6APZ (145.23-, 100Hz) or
W6ASH repeater (145.27 or 224.36).
Contributions to the newsletter from members, family,
and guests are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or
compression. ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but
all readable forms welcome. Here are the various ways to reach the editor:
Internet: dwilkes@svpal.org, davewilkes@aol.com
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Possible mandatory adherence to bandplans
The ARRL has filed its long awaited request to the FCC to codify adherence
to what have been till now, voluntary bandplans. Following up on action
taken at the January ARRL Board of Directors' meeting, the League has asked
the Commission to equate observance of voluntary band plans with good amateur
The League filed its request for a declaratory ruling on April 3rd.
In it, the national society asks for codification of several points of
ham radio operation. First, it wants the FCC affirm that any amateur radio
operation that conflicts with established voluntary band plans, and which
causes interference, or, adversely affects those operating in accordance
with these band plans to be considered as being in direct violation of
FCC rules. It also requests the Commission direct that hams should be familiar
with current voluntary bandplans and that they are required to abide by
them. Finally, the ARRL wants the FCC to state that those radio amateurs
who don't operate in harmony with those band plans are not operating in
accordance with good amateur practice.
The League has asked the FCC to issue this Declaratory Ruling as fast
as it legally can. Other hams who oppose mandatory bandplans are vowing
a court fight if the Commission proceeds without first issuing a Notice
of Proposed Rule Making and permitting them time to comment.
As previously reported, Newsline will be presenting a live to the internet
debate on this ARRL request from Hamvention '98 next month. This netcast
takes place at 10 AM Eastern on Sunday, May 17th. A hot link to the Real
Audio server will be available from our website at:
(Via ARRL, Newsline, others)
ARRL to hams: Arbitrate - don't sue
The American Radio Relay League is going to try and stop the escalating
level of ham versus ham lawsuits. This, by getting radio amateurs to first
try arbitrating their ham radio related disagreements.
The League has inaugurated an arbitration service for hams,
ham organizations,
citizens and other groups having disputes relating to Amateur Radio. The
ARRL Arbitration Service offers a substitute for litigation by providing
binding arbitration to settle disputes. Arbitration will be arranged through
the office of Chris Imlay, W3KD, the League's General Counsel. Arbitrators
will include ARRL volunteer counsel. Potential cases could involve neighborhood
interference situations, disputes within local radio clubs, disagreements
between a hamfest committee and an attendee or exhibitor, or even the use
of a frequency, typically, but not necessarily,
involving one or more repeaters.
Creation of the Arbitration Service is the first step toward a complete
Alternative Dispute Resolution system, as envisioned by the ARRL Board
at its January 1997 meeting. The ADR system ultimately could include mediation
and non-binding arbitration.
Cases may be instituted under the ARRL Arbitration Service by filing
a signed Arbitration Agreement together with the $50 per party filing fee
with the Leagues' General Counsel. For complete details on this service,
ARRL General Counsel
Christopher D. Imlay
5101 Wisconsin Ave North West Suite 307
Washington, DC 20016
The complete ARRL Audio News is available at:
(Via ARRL)
Wireless privacy bill passes house
From Washington, word that HR 2369, also known as the Wireless Privacy
Enhancement Act of 1998, has passed the House of Representatives. The house
passed version of the bill includes a report that specifically resolves
concerns that the Amateur Radio community raised with the staff of the
House Telecommunications Subcommittee.
When HR 2369 was first introduced, the American Radio Relay League feared
that it unintentionally could have outlawed all out of band operations
including MARS and Civil Air Patrol, as well as most scanning and short
wave listening. Working with the office of the bills sponsor, representative
Billy Tauzen, the ARRL and the hobby radio industry got the language changed
so as to protect the legitimate concerns of radio enthusiasts. The bill
now awaits action in the Senate.
(Via ARRL and other published news reports)
No I-Phone fees
If you use Internet Phone for repeater linking, we have some good news
for you. For the time being, making calls over the Internet will remain
free of tariffs other than regular Internet Service Provider fees.
In a report to Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, says
it is not ready to conclude that the long-distance calls carried over the
Internet or other data networks should be regulated as a telecommunications
service. That could change, says the FCC, but not anytime soon.
(Via published news reports)
The Great Circus Train runs each summer between Baraboo
and Milwaukee.
Baraboo is where the. Ringling Brothers Circus got its start in 1884.
Milwaukee is the site of Wisconsin's annual Great Circus Parade.
Ham radio first came aboard the circus train in. 1965.
This, when an ARES member named
Don Evenson, K9JYX, got permission to install a VHF station in. one of
the cars. That station relayed messages to an High Frequency mobile station
that was chasing. the train. As the years progressed, improvements. in
VHF technology simplified communications. In. 1994 onboard HF gear was
added to complete the ham. station on the rails. But now that's all gone.
The museum says that it. evicted the hams because it is attempting to.
eliminate as much clutter as it can from the train. cars. This, to open
up more space for the. passengers. As a result, all communications will
be provided by a commercial communication supplier named Primeco instead
of the Wisconsin Amateur Radio community.
(Via various sources)
Blinking CW. Not knowing the code can be expensive. At least
it was for one branch of the U.S. Military. In the conflict between the
pro and no-code segments of our hobby, one side usually brings up the argument
that the military has abandoned the use of CW. In a recent set of sea trials
by two vessels of the U.S. Navy, a combination of tests resulted in a total
breakdown in conventional communications. Messages concerning maneuvers,
course and speed had to be relayed in morse code by blinker lights. This
once common naval communications mode is evidently a lost art. Because
the inability to quickly transmit and. receive the messages involved resulted
in an aircraft carrier backing into a cruiser at considerable speed. Damage
to both ships totaled over $10,000,000. It's not known if the problem with
the Navy's blinking light CW was on the transmitting or the. receiving
(Via Amateur News Weekly)
Japanese economy affecting ham radio. The combined net profits
of major Japanese. companies plunged almost 25 percent in the last. fiscal
year. This, as the slumping Japanese economy is forcing many firms to dump
bad assets, including investments in the United States. This, say some,
might even impact on imported ham radio gear. A survey by a leading Japanese
financial newspaper of 1,744 listed companies shows that net profits for
fiscal 1997 nose-dived 24.5 percent. Non-manufacturing businesses were
in particularly bad shape. Their net profits fell 51.5 percent in the fiscal
year that ended March 31. This is both good news and bad news for the domestic
U.S. buyer of ham radio gear. As the Yen and dollar continue to collide,
prices will continue to drop. The downside is that the slide cannot go
on forever. It means lower and lower profits that can reach a point where
there is no profit at all. At that point some companies might decide to
withdraw from the North American market, eventually drying up the supply
of new gear available to hams.
(Via various published news reports)
Five year old YL passes element 1A.
A New Jersey pre-teen
is on her way to becoming the nations youngest ham radio operator.
On Saturday,
April 25, Ashley Kopacki, age 5, passed her 5 word per minute Morse code
test at an ARRL VEC administered examination session hosted by the County
Line Amateur Radio Club. Ashley is a kindergarten student in Mount Olive,
New Jersey. She frequently attends radio club meetings with her father
Dave Kopacki, KF2EW. There, she helps with the sign-in sheets, and is Official
Cookie Taster. Ashley now has a year to study for the Novice written exam.
(Via Hudson Division Loop)
92 year old CW test.
Congratulations to British amateur Les
Breeze, 2E1FXS who has become the oldest known U.K. citizen. to pass a
5 word per minute Morse code test. It was even more of a challenge for
Breeze because he is blind. He was assisted in learning the code by his
wife Doreen who is not a ham but studied with him in order to help him
understand the code. But Les Breeze is not finished yet. He has announced
his intention to study the code and theory so he can upgrade to a full
privilege U.K. Class A license.
LMCC demands 70 cm ham band for commercial use.
The Land Mobile
Communications Council has issued a demand to the FCC that it immediately
reallocate of most of the 70 centimeter Amateur band over to private mobile
operations with private land mobile designated as the. primary user.
the document is nothing more than a formal rule making request to the FCC
that has been designated RM 9267. In reality it is more a demand by the
LMCC for the FCC to immediately reallocate 420 to 430 MHZ and 440 to 450
MHZ away from the federal government and over to the Private Mobile Radio
Service on a primary basis. The Land Mobile Communications Council is also
asking for news allocations at 1390-1400 MHZ, 1427-1432 MHZ, and 1670-1675
MHZ. It is also demanding a walloping 85 MHZ at 960-1215 MHZ and it wants
all of this turned over to the Private Mobile Radio Service no later than
2010. But LMCC is not willing to wait until 2010 to take over the 70 centimeter
band even though this is the second most popular of the Amateur radio services'
VHF and UHF allocations. Amateur Radio is a secondary user of 420-450 MHZ.
There are thousands of FM repeaters operating from 440 to 450 MHZ and a
variety of modes on the air every day in the 420-430 MHZ segment. While
the Land Mobile Communications Council petition indicates that it is willing
to permit Amateur Radio to retain some sort of secondary status, this would
be only on a non-interfering basis with the new commercial. interests.
Experts say that the best way to kill RM 9267 is though a massive letter
writing campaign to the FCC. A campaign that outlines the specific use
of the band by Amateur Radio Interests -- informational filings that detail
how every hertz of 420-430 and 440-450 MHZ is utilized on a day to day.
bsis by hams. The commentary cutoff date on RM 9267 is June 1st. This leaves
precious little time for radio amateurs around the nation to react. Those
responding. must be certain to reference RM 9267 at the top of your letter.
Send comments to the:
Washington DC 20554
Again, that's June 1st as the commentary cutoff date on RM 9267.
(Via FCC, ARRL, VHF REflector, Newsline)
RSGB on Morse. The Radio Society of Great Britain says that
it no longer supports mandatory Morse code testing for access to the amateur
bands below 30 MHZ. This according to several sources in the U.K. who tell
Newsline that the national society will lobby the International Amateur
Radio Union to try to. get a rules change passed at the 2001 World Radio
Conference to support the abandonment of the international statutory
for a Morse testing. The change in policy by the RSGB comes only eighteen
months after its December 1996 announcement of the results of a survey
on The Future of Amateur Radio in that nation. At that time, thirty percent
of the societies members responded. Two-thirds said that Morse code should
remain as an international licensing requirement. And that's not all. These
same sources say that the RSGB will propose to the nations Radiocommunications
Agency that a new class of ham license be introduced in the United Kingdom.
One that will give all amateurs access to. the HF bands below 30 MHZ by
passing a very simple slow speed CW test. Possibly as slow as five word
per minute. Word is that the nations Radiocommunications Agency supports
this proposal.
(Via Newsline)
Verbal Morse.
The Morse code has a new group of supporters
in military circles but not the kind you might expect or want. Australia's
Q-News reports that radio operators that are believed to be members of
the Southern Sudan Peoples Liberation Army have been heard on the 40 meter
ham band. What they are doing is sending messages by vocalizing the Morse
code in both English and Sudanese local languages. According to VK2EA,
the pirate operators are actually speaking each dot and dash. Presumably
they think its giving them a measure of military security.
(Via Q-News)
Field Day is upon us and we still need helpers. Our big need is help
with the food for the Saturday night picnic. If you haven't signed up to
help please try to do so at the next meeting or call Mike KE6MDW. You voted
to buy a Gin pole and Dick N6AD and Larry KM6IU will be making this purchase.
The board has appointed Dick and Larry to head the committee that will
oversee the Gin pole use. The Gin Pole is here and if you need to use it
you may contact Dick or Larry and they will help you.
So you can mark your calendars the club meeting in June is the third
Friday since the fourth weekend is field day.
There is a new try to get some of our frequencies again. This time it
is on the 70 cm band. Please take up your pen and write the FCC at this
time there is no on line way to do this.
I would like to encourage all members to participate in the Thursday
night net. I know we are all have things to do but there must be more
than the 3 or 4 that check in each week. We have more guest checkins than
club members lately. A big thank you to those who have been willing to
be net control it is appreciated.
Vote on the FARS Constitution and By Laws at the
May Meeting
In order to have time for Mikel's presentation, please, please, read
and understand the following mark-ups before the meeting. We worked very
hard on updating the Constitution and by-laws of the club. Some of the
wording was out of date. Some of the rules and procedures have not been
observed for years. The spelling was interesting. Items which are underlined
are to be deleted; Items which are italicized are to be added. Corrected
spelling and grammar errors are not noted.
We the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasures and
benefits of association with persons interested in Amateur Radio and wishing
to demonstrate Amateur Radio to the public, constitute ourselves "The
Foothills Amateur Radio Society". It shall be our purpose to further
the exchange of information; to encourage cooperation between members;
to advance radio knowledge; to encourage fraternalism; to improve individual
operating efficiency; to conduct classes in code and radio theory; and
to have programs and activities designed to advance the general interest
and further the welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.
All persons interested in amateur radio communications shall be eligible
for membership.
Membership shall be by application and election according
to the terms provided for in the by-laws.
Section 1: The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice President;
Secretary; Treasurer; Training Officer ,Radio Officer, and Relay Editor.
Section 2: The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of
one year as provided for in the by-laws.
Section 3: Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the membership
as provided for in the by-laws.
The Board of Directors shall consist of all the elected officers, the
immediate past President, and at least one elected member-at-large as provided
for in the by-laws.
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall recommend policy and take action
on matters concerning the club.
The by-laws shall provide for regular and special meetings.
Proposals for amendments shall be submitted at a regular meeting in
writing and signed by 10% of the club membership in good standing. The
proposal shall be voted on at the next regular meeting, provided all members
have been notified by mail of the intent to amend the Constitution two
weeks prior to said meeting. The Constitution may be amended by approval
of two -thirds of those members voting in person or by proxy.
Constitution amended and approved by the membership October 2nd, 1987.
Constitution amended and approved by the membership May 1998
Section 1: The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Relay-Editor, Radio Officer, and Training Officer.
Section 2: Officers shall be elected by the membership at the November
meeting; installed at the December meeting and take office on January 1st.
for a term of one calendar year.
Section 3: Votes for officers may be cast by proxy or in person. Proxy
votes must be received by the club secretary prior to the voting in order
to be counted.
Section 4: In the event an office is vacated, the Board of Directors
shall appoint a replacement at the next Board meeting to fill the unexpired
Section 5: Proceedings to remove an officer are initiated by a written
request submitted at a regular meeting and signed by at least 10% of the
club membership. The proposal shall be voted on at the next regular meeting,
provided all members have been notified by mail of the removal proceedings
at least two weeks prior to said meeting. Any officer may be removed by
approval of 3/4 of those voting in person or by proxy.
Section 1: The President shall preside at all club meetings; observe
and enforce the Constitution and by-laws; decide questions of order; sign
all official documents; and perform other duties customary to his office.
Section 2: The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President
in his absence as well as those assigned. He shall in addition be responsible
for planning the program for the club meetings.
Section 3: The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all
meetings; keep a roll of members; submit applications for membership to
the Board of Directors; carry on all correspondence; read communications
at the appropriate meetings; and ensure that the membership is notified
of meetings, voting, removal proceedings and other special events as specified
in the Constitution and by-laws.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall receive and receipt all moneys paid to
the club; he shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received and
expended. He shall expend only those moneys authorized by the membership
or Board of Directors. At the end of each quarter he shall submit an itemized
statement of disbursements and receipts to the Board of Directors.
Section 5: The training officer shall conduct classes in code, radio
theory and any other training deemed necessary by the membership.
Section 6: The Radio Officer shall have control over the operation and
maintenance of the club station. He shall ensure that operation is consistent
with the wishes of the Station Trustee policies of the board
and the rules and regulations of the FCC. He shall establish operating
rules to govern the use of the station and determine that those operating
the station are qualified in the use of the equipment and understand the
rules and regulations which govern its operation.
Section 7; Each officer shall maintain records appropriate to his duties
which will form a history of the club; serve to assist incoming officers;
and form the basis of the Annual Report. These records shall be given to
the incoming officers no latter than January 1 of each year.
Section 1: The Board shall comprise: The club officers, the immediate
past President, three or more members-at-large and the Station Trustee.
Section 2 The members-at-large shall be elected to a three year term.
one shall rotate off each year. The latter shall be replaced by a vote
They shall be voted on by a vote of the membership at the Annual meeting
according the practices relating to the election of officers as specified
in these by-laws, Article !, Section 2 and 3.
Section 3: The Station Trustee shall be either one of the club officers
or a member-at-large.
Section 4: Officers of the Board shall be the same as the officers of
the club and shall carry their duties as specified in these by-laws.
Section 5: The Board shall recommend policy and take action on club
matters. A 12 month calendar shall be prepared by the incoming Board and
presented to the membership no later than the February meeting.
The board shall prepare and present a budget by the March meeting.
Section 6: The Board shall meet at least every other month during the
year to conduct club business. No business shall be conducted unless a
quorum is present. A quorum shall be 1/2 of the members of the Board.
Section 7: In the event that the term of a Board Member-at-large will
not be completed, the President shall call for nominations from the membership
at the next regular meeting. The vote will be taken at the following regular
meeting according to the practices related to the election of officers
as specified in these by-laws, Article I, Sections 2 and 3. The term shall
be the unexpired term of the vacated position.
Section 8: The maximum the Board may expand on any single item without
the approval of the general membership shall be limited to $150.00.$250.
The Board shall be empowered to authorize expenditures that exceed the
above amount in the special circumstances set forth below:
Editor of Relay may be advanced postage.
Normal advances for Flea Market.
Normal advances for Field Day.
Section 10 If a member of the Board is found to be malfeasant or in non-
performance of his duties. the Board shall recommend to the membership
at the next regular meeting that he be removed from office. Such recommendation
shall replace the requirement for a written document signed by 10% of the
Section 1: Regular meetings of the club shall be held each month.
Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President or The Board
of Directors. or upon written request of not less than five members
to the President or Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Annual Meeting shall be held the first Friday in Novemberat
the regular November meeting and shall be for the purpose of electing
the club officers, and one or more members- at-large in a manner specified
in Articles I and II of these By- Laws. Such other business as may properly
come before the meeting under the club's regular order of business may
in addition be enacted.
Section 5: The order of business in regular meetings of the club, except
at the Annual Meeting shall be in general as follows:
a. Call to order by the President
b. Reading of the minutes and their approval.
c. Reading of communications and correspondence.
d. Treasurer's report.
e. Board of Director's report
f. Committee reports.
g. Unfinished business.
h. New business.
i. Announcements
j. Installation of officers at the December meeting.
k. Adjournment.
l. Club program
Section 6: The order of business at the Annual Meeting shall in general
a. Call to order by the President.
b. Reading of the minutes and their approval.
c. Summary of communications and correspondence.
d. Written Annual reports from:
1. The Board of Directors
2. The Club Treasurer.
e. Election of officers a and members-at-large.
f. Announcements
g. Adjournment
h. Club Program.
SECTION 1. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted at a regular
meeting in writing and signed by 10% of the club membership, or may be
recommended by the board of directors. The proposal shall be voted on at
the next regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail
of the intent to amend these by-laws two weeks prior to said meeting. The
by-laws may be amended by approval of a majority voting in person or by
proxy. Proxies must be received by the Secretary prior to the vote.
Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules
of Order shall be the authority in all cases not covered in these By- Laws.
Section 1: All persons interested in amateur radio shall be eligible
for membership. All members shall have full voting privileges. Members
prior to June 18 , 1973 shall be designated Charter Members.
Section 2: The President, Radio Officer and 51% of the membership shall
be licensed radio amateurs. Membership shall be temporarily closed to non-licensed
radio amateurs at such times as the membership would be less than 51% licensed
radio amateurs, when counting the prospective member.
Section 3: Any prospective member may apply for membership at his
first meeting. Applications will be considered by the Board at its next
meeting. A majority vote at the Board of Directors meeting shall be required
to approve application for membership.
Section 4: Dues and an initiation fee shall be paid upon application
for membership. These shall be returned if the application is not accepted.Dues
for new members shall be prorated on a quarterly basis through the third
quarter thereafter the full membership will be charged and will cover the
following year.
Section 5: Dues shall be payable on January 1 for the ensuing year.
Any member who fails to pay his their dues by March 31 shall,
at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be dropped from membership.
Section 6: The dues and initiation fee shall be determined by
the members at a regular meeting.
Section 7: A member who is dropped from membership for failure to pay
their dues, will be reinstated with full privileges, if his their
dues are paid in full within the same calendar year in which he is dropped.
Thereafter, he they shall be considered to be a prospective
member and Sections 3 and 4 of this article shall apply.
Section 8: Family membership shall be available to members who reside
at the same address as follows:
One member of the family shall pay the full yearly dues or prorated
as appropriate.
Additional members of the family shall each pay yearly dues as determined
by the membership at a regular meeting.
The full initiation fee shall be paid by each and every family member
if appropriate.
Full membership privileges are granted to each family member.
One copy of the FARS RELAY and other material shall be mailed to the
Section 9 : Honorary Members of FARS A majority vote at the Board of Directors
meetings shall be required to approve the President's proposal for nominations
to the position of Honorary Member. Candidates for Honorary Member will
be people who have made outstanding contributions to FARS on a sustained
basis. Honorary members will be invited to accept the position. There will
be no membership dues. Honorary members will have full voting rights.
Section 1: The club shall have those committees which are necessary
for the operation of the club affairs. Committees and their chairman shall
be appointed and removed by the President as required.
By-Laws: Amended and approved by the membership on October 2, 1987.
Amended and approved by the membership on July 7, 1989. Amended and approved
by the membership in May 1998
Underlined material will be removed and material in italics are the
changes to be made This is a copy of the by -laws that will be voted on
at the meeting.
This song seems to have been written by Felecia Vlahos at Emory University
in Atlanta. It was sent through several people by email and finally got
to Dennis, KC6PUN. Dennis has been sharing it.
(to the tune of "Gilligan's Island," more or less)
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
Of the doom that is our fate.
That started when programmers used
Two digits for a date.
Two digits for a date.
Main memory was smaller then;
Hard disks were smaller, too.
"Four digits are extravagant,
So let's get by with two.
So let's get by with two."
"This works through 1999,"
The programmers did say.
"Unless we rewrite before that
It all will go away.
It all will go away."
But Management had not a clue:
"It works fine now, you bet!
A rewrite is a straight expense;
We won't do it just yet.
We won't do it just yet."
Now when 2000 rolls around
It all goes straight to hell,
For zero is less than ninety-nine,
As anyone can tell.
As anyone can tell.
The mail won't bring your pension check
It won't be sent to you
When you're no longer sixty-eight,
But minus thirty-two.
But minus thirty-two.
The problems we're about to face
Are frightening, it's for sure.
And reading every line of code is
The only certain cure.
The only certain cure.
[key change, big finish]
There's not much time,
There's too much code.
(And Cobol-coders, few)
When the century is finished with,
We may be finished, too.
We may be finished, too.
Eight thousand years from now I hope
That things weren't left too late,
And people aren't then lamenting
Four digits for a date.
Four digits for a date.
How to get to meetings:
(Visitors always welcome)
FARS meets at the Covington School District building, 201 Covington
Road, Los Altos. Take the El Monte exit (The same exit as for the Foothill
Fleamarket) off of I-280 and go East on El Monte. Cross Foothill Expressway
and turn right at the next light on to Covington (Note Saint William church
on corner). Stay to your left as the road forks. Just past the fork, turn
left into the school parking lot. Walk through the center hallway and turn
right. The meeting room is the first door on the left. Talk in on 145.23
or 145.27, negative offset, 100 PL.