Volume 28, Number 10 - OCTOBER 1998
The October meeting speaker will be Roy Rusin, W6II who works at HRO
and will be speaking and demonstrating some of the new things that are
out for the Ham.
Congratulations to the following new hams. They successfully took the
crash course and passed the test in one weekend! Make them feel welcome
on the air and at the club meetings.
73, Paul
In accordance with the change of the club's name we have updated the
name for the web site. Please update your bookmarks and links to
If you haven't yet visited our web site, please give it a visit.
You'll find current information on club meetings, copies of recents
editions of the RELAY, pictures from Field Day, callsign lookup links,
and lots more links. This is a club resource and we want it to be a useful
tool for members as well as visitors. Let's us know how we can make the
FARS website a better resource for you. Please contact the webmaster
or any FARS board member.
de KN6QI, Mikel Lechner
From the GVARC newsletter
On Oct 17 & 18 a special event station will be operating from the
Navigation Bridge of the USS Hornet aircraft carrier (in Alameda, CA).
The station call sign will be NB6GC. The USS Hornet's W.W.II radio call
sign was NBGC. We are very proud to put the Hornet's old call sign back
on the airwaves in the form of an amateur radio call. This special event
station will commemorate the Grand Opening of the USS Hornet aircraft carrier
as an Air and Space Museum. The USS Hornet was the aircraft carrier that
recovered Apollo 11 and 12, on their return from the first and second moon
landing missions. Operating time will be 0001 Z Oct 17 to 2359 Z Oct 18,
1998. SSB and CW will be used on all bands 40 through 10 meters. SSB will
be in the lower portions of the General Class band segments. CW will be
centered 50 KHz in from the band edges with an operating width of plus
or minus 10 KHz. Example: NB6GC CW ops can be found between 7.040 to 7.060
on 40 meters. For you nearby folks, FM: 146.49 Simplex. NB6GC will be operating
on or around the FISTS frequencies, and will be a three-point FISTS contact
for FISTS awards. The FISTS number for NB6GC is #5600. QSL cards will be
mailed to every amateur station contacted. Please send QSL cards for NB6GC
to: NB6GC, 4658 Capitan Drive, Fremont, CA, 94536-5448. It is our desire
to display QSL cards received aboard the carrier. Further information about
this event can be found at the following web site:
-- de Nancy WZ8C
Shel says we made some money; Details at the meeting; A more complete
report in the next newsletter.
President: Jack Eddy, WA6YJR
Treasurer: Shel Edelman, N6RD
Secretary: Martin Liberman, KD6WJW
Training Officer: Paul Zander, AA6PZ
Radio Officer: Mikel Lechner, KN6QI
Newsletter: David Wilkes, KD6WRG
Board members: Dirk Thiele, KE6ZUY; Dick, N6ATD; Hans, KE6TGA; Martin,
K6YA Station Trustee: Stan Kuhl, K6MA
FARS Web Page:
FARS announcement mailing list is moderated, so you cannot reply directly
to the list. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" to:
For help, send the word "help" to majordomo@ham.yak.net; For human assistance,
email to: human@ham.yak.net.
The FARS Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Foothills Amateur
Radio Society Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of each month
except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec.
Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome! Directions
on the back page. Talk-in: W6APZ (145.23-, 100Hz) or W6ASH repeater (145.27
or 224.36). Contributions to the newsletter from members, family, and guests
are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or compression.
ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but all readable
forms welcome. Here are the various ways to reach the editor:
Internet: dwilkes@svpal.org, davewilkes@aol.com
VHF voice: KD6WRG on W6APZ,
145.23- (100Hz PL) FARS net Thursdays 8 PM; Various other times. Mail:
1093 Kelly Drive San Jose CA 95129-3222 Voice: 408-996-1613 (Until 9 PM);
Fax: 408-725-1036 Eyeball: at FARS meetings.
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In August I told you that I would not be available to run as president
for the next year. My plans have changed somewhat and I will be able to
run. However, I have told the board that I will not run if there is no
vice president. I have found it extremely hard to do both jobs. We need
a vice president so each of you should be thinking about who that might
be. To fill out the slate we also need three board members. Dick N6ATD
is a retiring board member and has agreed to run again. The other officers
that have agreed to run are: Shel Edelman N6RD, Treasurer, Martin Liberman,
KD6WJW, secretary, Mikel Lechner, KN6QI,
Radio Officer, Paul Zander, AA6PZ, Training
Officer, David Wilkes, KD6WRG, Relay
Editor. Nominations will be accepted from the floor. Please if you nominated
someone be sure that they are willing to run. All nominations will be made
at the October meeting and voted on at the November meeting.
Our next meeting will be October 23 and the speaker will be Roy Rusin
W6II from HRO. He will be speaking and demonstrating some of the new equipment
that is out for the Ham operator. Hope to see you at the meeting.
At our August meeting there was a great deal of interest shown to have
some instruction at some of our meetings on digital electronics and how
this is used in our radios today. If you have experience in this field
or areas of Ham radio such as Antennas and the like please let me know
because we need to have your help in presenting this material to the club
This is your club and we need all of you to participate not just at
meetings but in all aspects of club activity.
The popular N0ARY packet BBS is changing hands: Trustee Bob Arasmith
is handing over the sponsorship of the BBS to SCCARA (Santa Clara County
Amateur Radio Association). The BBS is currently accessible by
'phone (408-749-1950)
and through the internet; the 2m and 70 cm radio ports are not operational
at this time, but are expected to be up in a few weeks. For more info,
contact Gary, WB6YRU, or Wally, KA6YMD, on the SCCARA repeater, 146.385
+ (no PL required).
73 de Omri AA6TA
Livermore Swap Meet - 1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas
College in Livermore, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the
west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447-3857
Foothill Flea Market - 2nd Saturday of each month from March
to October at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills.
This month I am going to do a test of the e-mail address we have with
an eye to distributing the Relay by e-mail to those members who have e-mail.
If you receive a test message to an address where it would not be appropriate
to receive the Relay, please respond with an alternate e-mail address or
a note to indicate you can't or don't want to receive the Relay by e-mail.
I would also like to know if you want the Relay in the body of an e-mail
message or as a Word or text attachment. I also need to know if your Internet
provider limits the size of messages or attachments.
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FCC announces shift in Amateur Radio enforcement functions
The Federal Communications Commission announced a change in the handling
of enforcement actions concerning the Amateur Radio Service. As of September
1st, the Compliance and Information bureau is assuming the duties of policing
the activities of the nations 750,000 plus hams. Up until now, ham radio
rules enforcement has been the purview of the Wireless Telecommunications
Bureau and its predecessors.
The change is the result of internal arrangement between the Compliance
and Information Bureau and the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Under
it, all investigation, evaluation and processing of radio amateur related
enforcement matters has been transferred to the CIB.
What this means in the real world of enforcing the Part 97 rules is
unclear. Officially, the FCC seems to view the move as nothing more than
an internal bookkeeping shift. But some insight as to what it really might
mean may be found in the words of the FCC's Joe Monie. Monie was speaking
at an FCC Forum at last weekends Radio Expo in Chicago. According to Monie,
the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau will no longer handling complaints
of interference. He says that this will make the Compliance And Information
Bureau responsible for that function.
And Monie seemed to have a warning for rules violators. He said to look
for stepped up enforcement to the best of the bureaus ability based on
the resources and funding available. (FCC, Newsline, RAIN)
Solar flare: RF blackout help request
I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF in Los Angeles with this late breaking story.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, New Mexico needs
hams to file reports on what they heard on any band on Sunday, September
27th. Especially on 40 meters and below. That's because September 27th
is the day that a major Gamma Ray burst from a neutron star 15,000 light
years away hit our Earth blacking out radio communication.
This solar event occurred at 10:22 UTC. This burst was so strong, it
ionized the E and F layers on the night side of the Earth. It also ionized
the D-layer for extreme absorption for many minutes, and saturated gamma
and X-ray sensors on satellites.
This is an extremely rare astronomical event that is caused by a generation
of power so intense it is almost beyond explanation. Only two other major
gamma ray bursts have ever been detected, one in 1979 and another in 1984.
Paul Harden, NA5N at the New Mexico observatory says that experimental
physics Very Low Frequency monitoring circuits maintained by
Stanford University
recorded radio wave absorption down to the tens of KHz. But, because this
event occurred in the very early morning hours in the U.S., there is virtually
no record of it. And that is where you can help.
If you have any recollection of this event, or specific data from say
QSO in progress then Paul Harden wants to hear from you. His e-mail address
is: pharden@nrao.edu
NA5N says that this is a real opportunity for hams to make a contribution
to a rare scientific study if you were lucky enough to witness it in some
form or another.
With thanks to Jay Miller, WA5WHN, in Albuquerque for passing along
this information, I'm Bill Pasternak, WA6ITF, reporting for Newsline. WA5WHN)
Wideband transmissions
The FCC has initiated an inquiry to investigate permitting the operation
of ultra-wideband radio systems on an unlicensed basis under Part 15 of
its rules. Its been assigned as Docket 98-153. For more information visit
the agencies website at:
www.fcc.gov (FCC)
RF Concepts for sale
Want to get into the ham radio manufacturing business? Now's your chance.
This, as a major domestic supplier decides to get out of one aspect of
Amateur Radio. Newslines Cathy Gilliland, KB0FDU, has the story
of RF Concepts:
Kantronics Incorporated says that it is looking for a buyer for the
company's RF Concepts line of VHF and UHF power amplifiers. Kantronics,
which is located about 80 miles from here in Lawrence, Kansas says that
the RF Concepts line no longer fits within -- what it calls -- its strategic
plan for the future.
Kantronics bought RF Concepts in 1989 and moved it to Kansas
from California.
Company President Phil Anderson, W0XI says that RF Concepts would be an
excellent buy for someone interested in that end of the business.
The sale would include the RF Concepts name, all current and non-current
designs and manuals, finished goods, raw inventory stock, tooling, and
the vendor and dealer lists.
Anderson says that Kantronics will continue to manufacture its line
of digital products.
From the end of the Yellow Brick Road in Hiawatha, Kansas, I'm Cathy
Gilliland, KB0FDU, reporting for Newsline.
If you are interested you can contact Phil Anderson or Kay Runge. They
are available by e-mail Phil to: sales@kantronics.com (Kantronics, ARRL,
New CAT Controller list
N2CKH says over the VHF Reflector that the Cat Control Center is a new
Internet mailing list he has created. Its purpose is to provide a dialog
between Steve and the rest of the amateur community on the subject of amateur
station computer control software for Microsoft Windows that he is developing
for sale to hams.
The intent of Steves proposed product is to support all popular -- and
even some not so popular brands of amateur equipment with a computer interface
capability. You can subscribe to the mailing list by pointing your browser
to: catcc.listbot.com
Free jammer ID software update
Last week we carried a story regarding a link to free jammer identification
software that was available on the Australian Q-NEWS website. By the time
we went on the air that link had disappeared but thanks to Chuck Martin,
KD6NUJ, a new URL has been found. To get the software go to:
FCC unveils universal license
The FCC's Universal Licensing System is finally here and its implementation
will affect Amateur Radio. We have this report:
Amateurs can say good-bye to the familiar FCC Form 610. This as the
FCC has adopts its long awaited Universal Licensing System or ULS.
For hams, the ULS replaces the Forms 610 with a new Form 605. Form 605
is the so-called Quick-Form Application for Authorization in the Ship,
Aircraft, Amateur, Restricted and Commercial Operator, and General Mobile
Radio Services.
The rules for the new licensing system were adopted on September 17th.
The FCC says that the ULS will fundamentally change the way the it receives
and processes wireless applications and makes licensee information available
to the public. It also claims that new system will consolidate, revise,
and streamline license application procedures for radio services under
the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau.
Using the ULS, applicants and licensees will be able to file, modify,
and renew electronically. But the FCC says that hams can continue to use
the old form 610 for six months after the new rules go into effect. An
effective implementation date will be announced when the FCC issues the
official Report and Order.
The FCC has also opened its website to the ULS. Access and more information
is at: www.fcc.gov/wtb/uls
The FCC has also adopted proposals to permit automatic reciprocal licensing
of foreign hams wishing to operate in the United States. This, pursuant
to recent international reciprocal operating agreements.
I'm Mert Garlick, N6AWE, in Los Angeles reporting for Newsline.
An official Report and Order detailing the FCC's actions is expected
to be released soon. (FCC, ARRL)
NY Ham challenges vehicle law interpretation
A New York amateur is going to court to protect what he calls his mobile
operating privileges. Paul Hintz, N3EYQ, of Kingston, is seeking to have
Section 397 of the New York Vehicle and Traffic Law upheld by a local Town
Hintz has been fighting with local police officials since 1992. This,
after he was cited for speeding. The arresting officer also issued Hintz
a ticket for carrying his Kenwood TH225, which was programmed to receive
public service frequencies. That ticket was conditionally dismissed.
Earlier this year, Hintz was again involved in a confrontation with
local police. And again, the use of his mobile radio equipment was called
into question. But this time, the Ulster County District Attorney's Office
also became involved.
Hintz has now retained counsel and asked for a jury trial. The case
was postponed in April. A new court date has not been set. (Hudson Loop)
Jamming relief
Jamming is a major problem for repeater operators and the situation
is bad worldwide. Here in the United States we call it malicious interference
but even down under they have the problem. But as Graham Kemp, VK4BB of
Q-News tells us, there now a solution as well:
Interference problems
often plague repeater systems. Now there is software available that
can provide positive proof in a contested case and it is something any
hobbyist can afford. Yup, it's free.
Each FM radio has a unique fingerprint that can be used for transmitter
identification. A program called XMIT_ID allows you to record and catalog
this unique fingerprint. It records the radios discriminator audio fingerprint,
then time and date stamps every transmission.
You can download the program free from the World Wide Web. To get that
URL just click on the best of Q-News or while you are reading Q-News at:
You'll find the URL to download XMIT_ID. I thank VK4TUB and the Monitoring
Times for that information. (Q News)
How to get to meetings:
(Visitors always welcome)
FARS meets at the Covington School District building, 201 Covington
Road, Los Altos. Take the El Monte exit (The same exit as for the Foothill
Fleamarket) off of I-280 and go East on El Monte. Cross Foothill Expressway
and turn right at the next light on to Covington (Note Saint William church
on corner). Stay to your left as the road forks. Just past the fork, turn
left into the school parking lot. Walk through the center hallway and turn
right. The meeting room is the first door on the left. Talk in on 145.23
or 145.27, negative offset, 100 PL.
![[meeting map]](/images/fars/meetmap.gif)