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Volume 29, Number 5 May 1999


The Speaker for the Club meeting on May 28th will be Mark the manager of the Batteries PLUS store at Stevens Creek Blvd in San Jose. He will talk on the latest changes in Batteries and how they work.

Howard, KE6PWH

Well, they put together a custom battery for me and it works well in an old HT.


Transmission Lines, Smith Charts, and Matching

The talk by Steve Stearns, KF6OIK was a real brain-stretcher. There was something for everyone: A review for those who have been through it before, an overview of just what is involved in getting a signal to an antenna, and an advisory for the non-technical. A friend saw the Smith chart on the table the next day and asked if I had been playing with a Spirograph while in my cups the night before.


It has been almost a year and Field Day is upon us again. Mark your calendars now for the weekend of June 25 - 27. You might as well mark the third Friday, the 18th, for the club meeting at the same time.


Jim, WE6V is running W1AW code practice sessions on the 145.23 repeater every Tuesday evening from 8:00 to 8:30.


Livermore Swap Meet - 1st Sunday of each month at Las Positas College in Livermore, 7:00 AM to noon, all year. Talk in 147.045 from the west, 145.35 from the east. Contact Noel Anklam, KC6QZK, (510) 447-3857 eves.

Foothill Flea Market - 2nd Saturday of each month from March to October at Foothill College, Los Altos Hills. FARS NET on 145.23 repeater Thursday nights at 8 PM.


Howard Califf KE6PWH, to Vice President of FARS. This news is a few months old; I forgot to put it in. Howard is in charge of finding speakers for the meeting. Please contact him with suggestions.


I need some help. I got stuck with (I mean volunteered for) doing communications for the MS Bike Tour on June 5. In order to maintain our reputation for being efficient and helpful, I need a lot of hams. Some will be stationed at rest stops, some will ride along in sag wagons, and some will be there for emergencies and first aid. You get fed,. You get a T-shirt. You even get a barbecue and band (I get to barbecue the band).All of this takes place in the picturesque Santa Cruz Mountains. See page 3. Contact:

David Wilkes, KD6WRG



President: Jack Eddy, WA6YJR
Vice President: Howard Califf, KE6PWH
Treasurer: Shel Edelman, N6RD
Secretary: Martin Liberman, KD6WJW
Training Officer: Paul Zander, AA6PZ
Radio Officer: Mikel Lechner, KN6QI
Newsletter: David Wilkes KD6WRG

Board members: Dirk Thiele KE6ZUY; Dick Baldwinson N6ATD; Hans Neumann KE6TGA; Martin Libeman KD6WJW; Herb KF6BKL; Arv Hamer WA6UUT; Larry Moore KM6IU.

K6YA Station Trustee: Stan Kuhl, K6MA

FARS Web Page:

FARS announcement mailing list is moderated, so you cannot reply directly to the list. To subscribe, send the word "subscribe" to:; For help, send the word "help" to; For human assistance, email to:

The FARS Relay is the official monthly newsletter of the Foothills Amateur Radio Society Meetings are held at 7 PM on the fourth Friday of each month except January (Winter Banquet); and 3rd Friday in June, Nov. & Dec. Annual membership $20; family $25. Visitors are always welcome! Directions on the back page. Talk-in: W6APZ (145.23-, 100Hz) or W6ASH repeater (145.27 or 224.36). Contributions to the newsletter from members, family, and guests are earnestly solicited! Contributions subject to editing and/or compression. ASCII files via packet, Internet or diskettes preferred; but all readable forms welcome. Here are the various ways to reach the editor:


VHF voice: KD6WRG on W6APZ, 145.23- (100Hz PL) FARS net Thursdays 8 PM; Various other times.
Mail: 1093 Kelly Drive San Jose CA 95129-3222 Voice: 408-996-1613 (Until 9 PM); Fax: 408-725-1036
Eyeball: at FARS meetings.

Do Something Worthwhile By
Sitting On Your Butt!

Join hundreds of cyclists in the fight against MS at the
12th Annual Back to the Beach Bike Tour
Saturday, June 5, 1999
KOA Campgrounds Watsonville Santa Cruz CA
25 50 75 and 100 mile routes available
Pledges Optional!
You'll Enjoy
A 1999 Back to the Beach T shirt
Fully stocked rest stops along the route
Professional bike mechanics
SAG Wagon support
Trained first aid staff
Friendly & dedicated volunteers
Continental Breakfast
Buffet style lunch
Finish Line BBQ with live music & drawing for great prizes
Call 408-988-7557
or visit our website at
for more information or to register.
David Wilkes KD6WRG 408-996-1613


A while ago, Les WB6ORZ, sent me a story about POWs in a Japanese camp building a receiver and transmitter out of very materials scrounged in the camp and jungle. The story is 8 pages long and thus too big for the Relay. If you go to: within the next month, you can read or download the story. Take off everything after history/ and you can read other stories. Take off everything after and you still have an interesting site. Try it


Field day is only a few weeks away and we need help. The sign up sheets will be going around at the next meeting and I hope we won't have to go begging to get you involved.

The club station has been cleaned out and a big thanks to Arv and Dick for doing this. The station will no longer be used for a storage shed for leftovers from events.

A bit of history: The first EMARC Flea Market was held August 25 1973. Yes, this is the same Flea Market that is now held at Foothill College. Spaces were sold for $2.50 and no parking fees. Only Ham gear was allowed.

On August 26,1973 EMARC took part in the Museum celebration of Lee deForest 100 birthday. The club station was operated from 12 noon to 6 P.M. and made 236 QSL'S in this time. Marie deForest operated for one hour during this time she was WB6ZJR. Each contact was sent a special commemorative QSL card.

The first field day that EMARC participated in was June 22-23,1974. The site was at the back of parking lot T Were the museum was. The operators operated from a nice mobile home provided by on of the members.

de Jack WA6YJR

We did have a good time at the antenna party with Dirk winning the prize for the best beam antenna and Arv the best vetical. The event was handled by Andy Fu AC6Gn with Andy VE3FZK furnishing his Fox transmitter for the event. A big thanks to all who help and came out.


How to get to meetings:

(Visitors always welcome)

FARS meets at the Covington School District building, 201 Covington Road, Los Altos. Take the El Monte exit (The same exit as for the Foothill Fleamarket) off of I-280 and go East on El Monte. Cross Foothill Expressway and turn right at the next light on to Covington (Note Saint William church on corner). Stay to your left as the road forks. Just past the fork, turn left into the school parking lot. Walk through the center hallway and turn right. The meeting room is the first door on the left. Talk in on 145.23 or 145.27, negative offset, 100 PL.

[meeting map]