The following articles are collected from various speakers who have presented talks at FARS meetings. They included here as a public service to the amateur radio community. Copyright is retained by the author unless stated otherwise in the article. FARS has permission to publish these articles on its web site. Permission to use articles for personal use is granted. Contact the author for permission for other uses.
Wire Antenna Basics [7.2 MB]
The Best Shape for a Wire Antenna [3.7 MB]
Build Your Own DIY Wire Antennas [3.9 MB]
The K4ERO Loss Formula Untangled [2.7 MB]
Grow An Antenna ... From Seeds! [7.6 MB]
Amateur Potpourri [3.5 MB]
The Shape of Antennas Yet to Come [3.6 MB]
Urban RFI and Ham Radio [18.0 MB]
NanoVNA: A Small And Cheap Vector Network Analyzer [1 MB]
ABSTRACT: NanoVNAs might seem like poorly engineered gimmicks when compared to name brand analyzers like RigExperts, but if you take the time to learn their quirks, nanoVNAs become quite useful. Luca Younes, KN6HBW, covers basic VNA terminology and theory, nanoVNA variants, usage instructions for common tasks like antenna analysis, filter or frequency analysis, and nanoVNA specific theory (like design). He may also briefly discuss nanoVNAs sister product, the tinySA.
HF Antenna Design for Best Performance [10 MB]
ABSTRACT: Tom talks about HF antenna design, including optimization of takeoff angle with different types of ground and radial systems, and pattern measurement. Tom talks about how to evaluate particular antennas for particular situations, like limited space, and how to get the best performance. He also covers a number of things that affect performance such as layout, materials and compromises.
DIY APRS WiFi iGate, Tracker and Weather Station [35 MB]
ABSTRACT: Designing and building an APRS WiFi iGate Tracker Weather Station.
HOBBIES Introduction and Summary [5.6 MB]
Repeaters to Go… Wild [12 MB]
ABSTRACT: Designing and building a repeater system to be used in wilderness areas.
Phones, Fires and Failures [22 MB]
ABSTRACT: The wildfire that destroyed the town of Paradise in northern California exposed the limitations of the cellular telephone network and the internet for providing reliable communication of emergency information to the public. Loss of power, destruction of equipment, and overtaxing the remaining service made the system non-functional.
QucsStudio Simulator [640 KB]
Dipole Basics [5.8 MB]
Batteries 101 [8.0 MB]
Antenna Modeling for Radio Amateurs [8.1 MB]
Directional Antennas [7.8 MB]
Weird Waves [1.5 MB]
Conjugate Match Myths [1.3 MB]
Magnetic Loop Antennas [1.0 MB]
Facts about SWR and Loss [1.7 MB]
APRS via the ISS [1.0 MB]
Article on FARS Field Day [2.1 MB]
HF Digital Modes [418 KB]
Mysteries of the Smith Chart: Transmission Lines, Impedance Matching, and Little Known Facts [2.2 MB]
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Last updated Monday, 17-Feb-2025 16:44:48 PST