
2022 FARS Field Day [2021] [2022] [2023]

[Field Day Logo]
[160M Balloon Antenna]
[FARS Field Day 2009]
[FARS Field Day 2009]

The Foothills Amateur Radio Society participated in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) 2022 Field Day event on Saturday June 25th and Sunday June 26th.

This event was open to the public and visitors were welcome from 11 AM until 9 PM on Saturday, June 25th. Also on Sunday June 26th from 7 AM until 11 AM. Field Day is an opportunity to see Amateur Radio in action and even participate. Learn about ham radio by participating.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel our GOTA station for 2022.

You can download a copy of the Field Day Rules [PDF] [156K], or the complete 2022 Field Day Packet [PDF] [810K]. Or visit the ARRL's Field Day site.

Here's an Article on the FARS 2007 Field Day from “100 Watts Magazine” a Thai HAM radio magazine. Thanks Nimit, HS1IFU/K6XOX.

John L. Gaffey, WS1EA has written a helpful primer for organizing your own Field Day event.

FARS operated in the 2A category, with two primary HF radio stations on emergency power at a temporary location. We had three operating radio stations:

Field Day Captains
Phil, KA6MZE is our Radio Officer and in charge of Field Day.
Paul, AA6PZ was the captain for high band station. The HF High Band station operates Single Side Band (SSB) Voice, CW, and Digital on 10/15/20 meters during the day, and 40 meters at night.
Nian, WU6P was the captain for our low band HF station. The HF Low Band station operates 40 meters during the day, and 80/160 meters Voice and CW at night.
Phil, KA6MZE was the captain for our VHF station. The VHF/UHF station operates VHF/UHF voice on 6 meters, 2 meters,and 70cm, and possibly above.



We welcomed visitors from the general public to visit our Amateur Radio Field Day between 11 AM until 9 PM on Saturday, June 25th. Also on Sunday June 26th from 7 AM until 11 AM.

More information