FARS Meeting Programs - 2001 [2000] [2001] [2002]

January 19, 2001 - FARS Winter Banquet 2001

To attend the FARS Winter Banquet 2001, print the flyer and mail with your check. Gary Shapiro NI6T speaks about the recent Kingman Reef and Palmyra DXpedition (K5K). We are the first organization to hear this program.

Note that the banquet is limited to FARS members, their family, and friends. Renew or join now to attend.

Wednesday February 28, 2001 - Membership Meeting

The speaker, Gary Youngs, K6GLY, talks about HF mobiling with a screwdriver antenna.

Wednesday March 28, 2001 - Membership Meeting

The speaker is Brian Boschma, N6IZ. His topic is nautical mobile - sailing and hamming.

Brian Boschma, N6IZ, is located in Silicon Valley. He runs maritime mobile on S/V Red Sky (WCY4129). He runs CW on HF Pactor, CW, and SSB at sea. When not at sea or building boats, he takes bike rides, running bicycle mobile on 2 meter FM.

Wednesday April 25, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Mikel Lechner, KN6QI, talks about the theory and practice of the new HF digital modes: PSK31, MFSK16, etc. The advent of inexpensive DSP hardware has sparked renewed development and use of digital communication on the HF bands. Download the HF Digital Modes presentation.

Mikel Lechner, KN6QI, holds an extra class license and enjoys working CW and PSK31, and homebrewing HAM radio hardware and software.

Wednesday May 23, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Lonnie Walker, W6WQ, will show the crossed-field antenna that he built and describe its operation. The crossed-field antenna is the subject of considerable debate among antenna engineers ever since its invention by Maurice Hately, GM3HAT, and Fathi Kabbary (US Patent No. 5,155,495), and adoption by Egyptian government for public broadcasting. Technical debate notwithstanding, Lonnie will share his practical experience with the construction, tuning, and operational performance of the crossed-field antenna.

Wednesday June 20, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Field Day planning.

Wednesday July 25, 2001 - Membership Meeting

The speaker is Andreas, N6NU, talks about the HAM radio applications of PIC microprocessors.

Wednesday August 22, 2001 - Membership Meeting

The speaker is Walter Lau, KK1CW, who has been designing antennas for the HF, VHF, and television ranges for many years for repeaters, remote bases, and other harsh environments.

Walter will bring some of the smaller antennas he has designed as well as show us how easy it is to match antennas to feedlines electrically as well as how to realize those matches mechanically so they hold up in the weather. He has promised to bring some of his test equipment to demonstrate how he works his magic.

More information can be found at Walter's web site:


Friday September 28, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Homebrew show and tell night. This meeting is dedicated to those who like to build their own HAM equipment. Bring in your project be it kit, antenna, test device; anything amateur radio related. Projects must have been constructed in the past year. You will have 10 minutes to describe your project. Anyone may participate, but only FARS members are eligible for prizes. The FARS membership in attendance decides the winners.

Friday October 26, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Program to be announced. Candidates for next year's officers are presented this evening.

Friday November 29, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Steve Stearns, K6OIK talks about using Smith charts for impedance matching antennas. Elections for officers and board members.

Friday December 21, 2001 - Membership Meeting

Working Amateur Radio Satellites.

[2000] [2001] [2002]